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1 In Adventures/ Blogging

Illuminate Photography Workshop

This past weekend was the first ever Illuminate Photography Workshop and it was fabulous.  If you have kids and a camera, I highly recommend that you take the time to take this workshop so that you don’t miss out on capturing those precious moments.

The workshop was held in the stunning Truro Library, in the midst of the pouring rain.  But it did nothing to dampen our spirits.  We got started right away, introducing ourselves and talking a little about the reasons why we want to learn to take better pictures.  Then Christine and Morgan got right into it, taking us through the basics of switching our camera over to manual so that we can have more creative control over how we take pictures.

I took so many notes!!  I can’t wait to put some of these tips and tricks into practice.  But wait!  They had it planned so we could get some practice in! They had arranged for some models to come to the library so we could watch Morgan and Christine shooting.  They talked us through what they do, how they interact with the kids and lots of hands on experience for us, too.

While we walked around the library, I couldn’t help but snap a couple quick pictures of the detail in the library….I am who I am, right?

When you are taking a workshop, the course content is one thing.  But Christine and Morgan had planned out so much more than just the information for us! They had arranged for snacks, a tasty lunch and a bag of goodies for us, too!  Coffee, tea, fresh baked cookies, crosssiants from Red Knot Bakery for snacks.  Then lunch was put together by Sylvia of Supper By Sylvia – salad and wraps! Soooo tasty!

Our goodie bags were filled up with lots of local love.  Tassel earrings from Assez DeNoeuds, a scrunchie from West Everly Co. which Hannah has since claimed, a coupon for presets from Casa Presets, a handy notebook and pen, chocolates from Appleton Chocolates and a free 11×14 print from Carsand Photo Imaging { my favourite place for prints!! }  So much goodness and completely unexpected!

If you want to improve your skills in the photography department, I highly recommend following the Illuminate Photography Workshop FB page so you don’t miss out on any upcoming workshops.

I’ve moved my camera to a handy location and hope to snap some of the everyday moments with the girls. Sometimes I need something like this course as a kick in the butt to motivate and inspire!

Colourfully yours,


In Adventures/ Blogging

Beauty And Balance

Blogging is an enjoyable experience, but having blogging friends and a supportive network of people who ‘get it’ makes it all the more enjoyable.  And if it involves an evening getting spoiled at a spa, then you can count me in!

Two of said blogging buddies, Colleen and Laura, head up the best bloggers support group called ECM Media.  And part of what they do is organize workshops and find amazing sponsors who believe in what we are doing.  In the past, I have the privilege of attending a workshop at Oceanstone Seaside Resort, which you can read about HERE, as well as flower workshop at Dean’s Flowers, which you can read about HERE.

Last night’s workshop was at Mudwraps to Manicures and the theme was Beauty and Balance – something I think I can safely say we all strive for?  The spa owner, Lisa, created such a wonderfully relaxing atmosphere for us.  Low-lighting, candles, soft music – it was perfect!

Upon arriving, we were all given a lovely set of pyjamas from Take it Outside, so we all got comfy and had a chance to do some visiting.  While we chatted, we were offered wine or sparkling water and FID Kitchen catered us with some tasty snacks, including these delicious wraps!  They were even tastier than they look and they look goooood!

After our mingling, we all gathered together and listened as Anna Townsend spoke to us about finding balance and making sure we take care of ourselves in this busy life.  She lead us through a deep breathing exercise which was so relaxing – apparently I need to breathe more!

Once relaxed, we headed down the hall for facials.  Lisa and her staff, Priscilla and Fiona, took us step by step through a cleansing and moisturizing routine that left us feeling fresh-faced.  There was lots of laughter at our lunch-lady hair nets!!  But I have to say, I’m not sure I’ve ever felt my skin feel so soft!  I’ll be the first to admit I think my skincare routine, or lack of, leaves a lot to be desired!  But, fear not, Lisa sent us all home with a Yon-ka kit to get us rolling on taking better care of our faces.  Because no one wants to look older than we actually are!

When the conversations about this event started in our group, Sarah, invited me to stay with her for the night so I didn’t have to drive back home alone that night.  I debated, checked in with the family and then made my plans to spend the night.  The best was when Sarah and I were given matching jammies!  How cute are we??  And see why she’s ‘Little Sarah Birch’??  What she lacks in height, she makes up for with her beaming smile!

Sarah gave me a house tour of their lovely home, then we settled in for some good conversation!  We paired a delicious red wine with some DQ Ice Cream cake, just because we’re classy like that and proceeded to talk until late into the evening. We covered all the topics from social media for kids, the last time we rode a bike, hot topics that aren’t black or white, to birthday parties.

All in all, it was such a good night!!  I’m so appreciative of our leaders in the ECM Media group and for the sponsors they get on board.  Lisa, FID Kitchen, Anna, and Take It Outside – thank you!!

Moral of the story?  Take care of you, whether it means meditation, good, healthy food, a great skin care routine or an evening out with friends in snuggy jammies, do it!!  Your well-being will thank you!

Colourfully yours,


I was gifted this workshop and all the goodies from the various sponsors, but my take on it all is just that 😉



In Blogging

January Summary

Where did the month go?  How are we at the end of the month??  I love the posts about January being 79 or more days long.  Feels accurate, right?

At the beginning of the month, as a lot of people do, I had set goals.  Now, I want to say I’m not a goal setter by nature.  So, my setting goals is really a big a deal.  I sent my list of goals to two blogging friends.  And I love how they each reacted – one happy for me and the other  equally happy for me but she came back at me with a list of questions.  It’s one thing to make a list of goals, but she made me look hard at those goals and what it would entail month by month.

What a reality check!  I’m so glad she made me switch my focus from the end of the year to what I needed to do each month.  It made the goals less ‘pie in the sky’ for me and laid out the path I needed to take to make them actually happen.  Also, let it be noted, it scared the crap out of me.

If you noticed I’ve been blogging here more often, you’d be right.  One of my goals is to reach 1000 blog posts this year!!  Which means I need to sit and write.  And the tighten schedule has been so good.  I feel so much more inspired.  I think Oscar Wilde was right when he said, ‘You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”  The more I wrote, the more I wanted to sit down to write.  And thankfully, you guys showed up to read those posts!!

I’ve also posted every day over on Instagram.  It’s hard to build followers over there, I find { Insert eye roll } But posting daily has certainly helped.  And it gets me in the habit again, too.  I debated doing the Fat Mum Slim Photo-a-Day challenge again, I haven’t done it for years now, but I think for now I’ll stay focused on DIY, decorating and a glimpse of farm life with the occassional stunning Nova Scotia scene thrown in.  I finished off my 100 Days of Home – seemed to take for.ever.  but I stuck with it.  Sometimes have that little bit of guideline helps.

One of my goals was to start a Joy Journal in 2019 and I got on that right off the hop.  You can read a little about it HERE.  I know that I will appreciate it in the years to come.  Future Lori will thank Present Lori for starting it and making some notes to look back at what caught my eye, what brought me Joy.

I’ve been putting my Word of the Year into practice this month, too.  Making colourful projects, dying my hair blue, and making an effort to see the colour even when it seems dark and dull outside.  I can already tell the Colour was the right word for me for 2019.

We have a little excitment at Costandi Designs happening, too.  I’ll fill you in more on that soon but for now, just know it’s BIG!!! 🙂

I’m quite happy to be heading into February, though.  I have a few more things to check off my To-Do list tonight then I’m ready for it!!  I know there will be lots of snow, ice, wind and deadlines.  But I’m hoping for more stunning sunsets and sunshiny days.  Maybe more snowshoes in the woods, hot chocolate with leftover Christmas candy canes and visits with friends.

January, we’ll part as friends….this time….

Colourfully yours,



2 In Blogging/ Life/ Make Something/ Makeover

Called to be Creative

Creativity runs in my blood. My grandmothers were both makers, my Opa was as well. All in very different ways but in their own right. My mom is creative, too, although she’s probably deny it. My Dad claims that he doesn’t have a creative bone in his body regardless of the fact his mother was an incredible artist.

I mentioned in THIS POST that I had made myself a cuff with the saying on it – ‘called to be creative’.  It was a hashtag that I found and starting using some on Instagram.  But then the more I used it, the more it resonated with me.  I added up putting it on a cuff as a reminder to me to use my gifts.

I grew up being given free rein to a drawer of craft supplies. Later with fabric scraps and mom’s sewing machine. And the scrap wood in the machine shed was fair game, too. I made everything from clothes to forts to wild stories and poems. My access to materials was never denied.

But it was never a conscience thing. It was just how it was at home. All of us kids were always dreaming up something. And I know for my best friend growing up, it was the same. It was nothing for her to sew something up, or make something or other. I never thought a thing of it. It was perfectly normal. The fact that I was one of the very few in my Home Ec class that knew how to thread a sewing machine never occurred to me.

Fast forward to adulthood.  I spend my days creating comfy, inviting homes for my clients.  I love playing with colour.  I geek out over fabric samples.  I dream up combinations of flooring, backsplashes and furniture.  I think in Benjamin Moore colours for walls and Miss Mustard Seed paint colours for furniture.  I love taking something cast-off and turning it into something fabulous.  It’s just how I’m wired, how I am.  I think nothing of it.  It’s my normal.

But.  There’s always a but, right? It took me a long time to see that this is a form of creativity.  I don’t call myself an artist.  I don’t do oil paintings, I can’t whip up a landscape watercolour and I’ve only played with pottery a bit { but I’m aching to get back at it…. } I’m not an artist in the way that society thinks of an artist.  But it doesn’t mean I’m not creative.

These gifts I use in my day-to-day life, pairing colours, fabrics, styles, it is what I am called to do.  I’m called to help people turn a shell, a house into their home.  To talk with them and figure out what will work for them and help them create a space that they feel comfortable in.  And it is my pleasure to do so.  For a while, I felt as though my career as vanity, frivolous, fluff, if you will.  And I think it was because I didn’t realize that just anyone could do what I do.  I didn’t see the value in what I did.  And sadly I worked in this field for a long time before I realized my worth, the value in my skillset and gifts.


I keep referring to my design skills as a gift.  And I believe that.  I firmly believe that I was given this particular set of gifts and I am called to put them to use.  Whether that is out in my studio, setting our own house up or helping someone else transform their space. I think we are each given talents and gifts in this life.  What we do with them is up to us.  But I have found that putting our natural talents to use is far more fulfilling then fighting it.

So, I will continue on my path, using my creative talents in many ways.  In fact, I’ve got a fun project coming up in the next few months that I can’t wait to share with you all but I’ll keep that under wraps for the moment.  It is exciting to see the different ways that these can be exercised – my day job, my studio time, our home, my work with the At Home magazine, my blog, 4-H – so many ways to put these to good use!

It is my hope that you have discovered your talents and gifts.  And that you have found a way to put them to use that is rewarding, satisfying and fulfilling!

Colourfully yours,


PS The artwork in this post is from my grandmother, Lena, I feel quite honoured to have as much of it as I do!

3 In Blogging/ Decorating

Word of the Year – 2019 Edition

Each year for the past few, I’ve picked a word to ponder throughout the calendar year.  Have you done this?  Have you even heard of this? I enjoy hearing what words people pick and how they let it guide their focus.  

Last year my word was MORE.  I made a list of things I wanted MORE of and counteracted them with LESS of something else.  You can read that post HERE.  There are somethings I think I did quite well on and others that were a complete fail but that’s how it goes sometimes.  For example, I did zero Yoga.  Zero.  And turns out, I was ok with that.

But, anyway, enough about last year…onto this year!!  I was debating between a few words and honestly, I hadn’t really thought too much about it until that random gap between Christmas and New Year’s.  And none of the words I was thinking about really seemed like IT…you know what I mean?  Until it hit me. Colour.  COLOUR!!!  I love colour, it made the blog byline for crying out loud!!!  I knew it was my word.  The pieces and plans all seemed to come together with the quickening of my heartbeat.  I was so excited.

So, what does COLOUR mean for me in 2019?  It means if given the choice, it is always going to be the more colourful option.  In my home, in my wardrobe and I’ll squeeze it into my work as much as possible.  { Not everyone loves colour as much as me and as a designer, I need to respect that. }  I want to immerse myself in colour.  The study of colour, the use of colour, the JOY of colour!  Colour makes me happy.

I thought I might start a monthly Colour series on my blog, too.  Each month I’ll pick a colour and look at the pyschology of that particular colour and how I use that colour in our home.  I’ll tell you my favourite go-to colour names in that particular colour for walls and furniture.  I want to share more design/decor type things on the blog and that seems like a very logical way to do.  Maybe it’ll lead to more posts and shared knowledge, too, who knows!

When working in the studio, it needs to be about the use of colour, playing with combinations of colour, exploring colour.  I’ll still be doing the usual creating and painting of furniture and such, but also I want to try some other things with colour, too.  The photo in this post is the perfect example of that.  I found a few sheets of water colour paper and dug out some stamp pad refills and did some playing.  It was fun and messy.  My hands are colourful and I hope throughout the year, they are quite often colourful.  My weavings will be very colourful, too.  I can’t wait to create more with this focus in 2019.  Although….I think I already do this, given my love for colour anyway.

I want to pay more attention to the colours around me, too.  Whether it is in nature, in art, in homes, I want to have a new appreciation for colour.  And I plan on sharing that more on Instagram, too.  I need to think of a good hashtag for it…then you guys can play along, too!

Do you have a Word of the Year?  I’ve been chatting with people about this and I love hearing they why behind the choice.  My friend, Kyla, wrote about her word Bridge and I think you really should go read it! Refresh, Consistency, Build, Home, Simplify, Present, Example, Grow – so many great ideas to go into 2019 with!!  If you have a Word, please share it with us, we want to know!!

To be continued,


PS I am Canadian, so yes it is Colour and not Color for me 😉