I’ve been to the Eastern Shore before but I haven’t really explored it too much and I was looking forward to seeing what we discovered. We had no real game plan, just a general direction and the day.
The girls were borderline about joining in and coming along but they did come and even though there were a few spots that weren’t stellar, I think they had fun. No one got left on the side of the road, anyway, so I’ll take that as a win!! They aren’t fond of being in the car for long, especially now after months of barely going anywhere because of quarantine. They don’t get puking-carsick, just off-carsick which sucks, I know as I was the same and am probably worse now that I drive all the time and am so rarely a passenger!
Anyway – neither here nor there all that! Let’s hit the road!
Our first stop was an quick visit to this interesting old garage on the 348…lots of interesting bits and pieces to look at! We also each had a quick photo shoot in front of an old car. So, here’s the results – some are more willing than others
Back in the car and further down the road. We traveled over hills with views of blueberry fields, through woods and small little villages. Lots of buildings showing their weathered age and history, I’m a sucker for an old house, especially one with weathered wood and lots of stories to tell. But I refrained from stopping and taking pictures of every old house or barn I saw.
The troops were getting hungry so we stopped at Salsman Provincial Park for our picnic lunch on the banks of the river. If I have learned anything road tripping with the girls is to feed them when they’re hungry, it all goes so much better!! And chances are if they’re hungry, I probably need to eat too, if momma is hangry, nothing goes well.
After a tasty lunch under a picnic shelter with a lovely breeze, we took a drive through the campground portion of the park. We scoped out the best sites for future camping trips. It’s the kind of park you’d want to bring a kayak or canoe to, as the park is out on a peninsula surrounded by a slow rolling river. I have camping dreams but I’ll save that story for another post
I’d like to know how many random wharves I’ve been on through the years. There’s just something about them. And so, once again on this road trip, we found ourselves on a wharf in Isaac’s Harbour perhaps? I’m honestly not sure! But they are just so classically Nova Scotian and I will forever stop at wharves and check them out….especially if I’m traveling with the handsome Mr. Byrne.
We stopped randomly at a bridge and explored, skipped stones and had a little fun. Being right on the Atlantic Ocean meant some of the views were foggy, but that just adds a whole layer of mystic to it. We could hear the crashing waves just around the bend from our stop. This is a land of variety, of strength and of rawness.
Back in the car, driving the twisting roads along the shore. Scrubby trees, boggy woods, and huge rocks again speak to the harsh climate living on the edge of the Atlantic. It is very barren feeling although you’d take a corner and there would be another little village with a wharf, a post office and a painted white church. We are tough, resilient folks, us Nova Scotians.
Probably the highlight of the trip for me was Tor Bay { Torbay??? I saw signs spelling it either way } I’ve never been so I wasn’t prepared for the gorgeous beach, crashing waves and rugged coastline. Guys, if you haven’t been, please add it to your bucket list!! The laughter ringing out, the squeals of getting soaked, the freedom of running and being a kid will forever be etched in my memory of this place. There is just something about watching your growing kids be kids again. The weight of the world was lifted and they just got to be. It was balm for this momma’s soul. And thankfully I had my camera so I have proof, so the memory won’t fade.
We hung out at Tor Bay for a while, the girls splashing and ducking in and out of the waves. After a bit on the beach, we went around the point and I tried to capture the huge spray as the waves hit the rugged shore. It’s hard to catch just the right sized wave at just the right time and finally I gave up.
Back into the car and down the coast further we went. We debated going all the way into Canso but ducked inland to Guysborough. I’d like to get back to Guysborough to explore but Canada Day wasn’t the day. Another road trip another day to take in Guysborough… and Tracadie!!!
We did hit drive thru in Antigonish for some supper, the troops were getting hungry…again… and I figured that might buy me a little more exploring on the route home, too. And low and behold, we managed a quick stop at the Cape George light house! I even found a little toy in the grass and we decided she’d be our road trip mascot!
We named her Rosy! Hoping she may make some future appearances
Last pit stop was Arsaig Provincial Park for a quick walk along a bit of beach and climbed back in the car for the final leg home.
By the end of the day, we were all tuckered out from exploring the Eastern Shore of our beautiful province. Plus, it checks one of our bucket list items off!
I hope you all had an enjoyable Canada Day taking time to explore, discover and reflect on our country. We are by no means perfect as a nation but I am still very thankful to be a Canadian!!