When I think of my bedtime as a child things like chatting with Dad about his day and goofing off with my sister come to mind. I felt safe, and loved. Which is exactly how you want to feel at the end of the day, as a child but even still as an adult.
One of the best things about bedtime as a kid was asking Dad, day after day, what he did that day, after he tucked me in and either him or Mom said prayers with me. There is not a doubt in my mind that it started as a stalling tactic – what kid wants to go to bed? But I asked and he answered night after night. “I got up, milked the cows and came in for breakfast….” I’m sure what followed changed from day to day, maybe he had a meeting or had to go to the Co-op for supplies or to the sales barn to drop off a cull cow or some bull calves. But everyday, year after year, he started the day the same, he told me every night I asked and that stuck with me. My days start differently, depending on the day of the week, my work schedule, the season, etc. so I wouldn’t be able to give the same answer on repeat like Dad.
By the end of my day, when bedtime hits for the girls, I’m ready to send them on their merry way so I can find a few moments of peace. Does that make me nice at bedtime? Nope, probably not. I’m not one for dilly-dallying – get your pyjamas on, brush your teeth and hurry your hinny into bed. Now is not the time to contemplate the meaning of life or hash out anything. And I realize that I am probably missing out on a great time to connect with my children. I’m not a night owl so by bedtime, which here is 8 pm, I’m pretty much toast.
I remember when we lived in our last house, both girls shared a room and were much tinier, I would sit in the door way and sing to them. I had a list of songs I would sing and then I’d wander off down the hall and leave them to their sweet dreams.
They do like Michael or myself to lay down with them at bedtime, but my problem is that I usually fall asleep and wake up sore at some odd hour and I’d stagger off to my own bed, or just roll over and call it a night. But I found I didn’t sleep well, which isn’t a huge surprise, I guess.
I need to relax to be more open to things that force me out of the routine we’ve created for bedtime here, so that if there are conversations that need to take place, I’m in-tune with that. Or if someone needs an extra snuggle, then I can. Even thought they are older and so much more capable to do things on their own, they do still need me and rely on us for comfort and support. And I’d honestly hate to miss out on that with them because I know as we enter the teenage years, I want them to be able to talk things through with us.
Do you have a bedtime routine that works awesomely with your family? Do you remember your bedtime as a kid fondly? Tell me all about it!
Colourfully yours,
{ B&W photo is an oldie by Christine of Wonkyeye Photography of Lena }