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2 In Blogging/ Life

2020 Here We Are


Wow, I feel like I just sat down to write a post at the beginning of 2019 and here we are welcoming a new year and a new decade.

I like the sound of 2020.  It has a nice ring to it.  Don’t you think?

What will the year 2020 bring?  That’s the big question.  We just never know, year to year, what life is going to throw our way. Every year has it’s share of highs and lows.  2019 certainly did.  2018 did, too, and I’ll bet that 1837 did, too.  There’s just no way to know.

But, here’s the thing.  How are you going into the year?  What’s your attitude like? Do you have a positive outlook? Are you looking forward to what the year will bring?  Or dreading what all could go wrong?

Based on some things that happened in 2019, I could face this year with a very negative outlook and a poor-me attitude.  But, that’s not me, not how I was raised or how I want to approach the coming year.  I’m looking forward to 2020.

I think I’m almost settled on my word for 2020.  There were a few that I was debating between but I’m pretty sure that it’ll be made clear to me tonight, so stay tuned for that post.

I had set out in 2019 to reach 1000 blog posts for Farm Fresh, but it soon become apparent that wasn’t in the books for last year.  I had laid out my game plan but life happened and I had to let that goal go.  Am I aiming for that in 2020? No.  I’m going to write when I’m inspired to write and share only what feels right.  I have a few fun things planned and I’m looking forward to sharing those with you.

One of the first things I need to do in 2020 is get my camera fixed.  I feel quite lost without it.  It had been on the blink since May and now – nothing!!! And what’s a blog post with just words? Boring.  I dug into the archives to find some pictures for this post.  This one?  It’s my favourite.

I hope that you are richly blessed throughout 2020, that you find Joy and that you are surrounded by love.

Look at 2020 – here we come!!



1 In Adventures/ Blogging

Preserve Retreat

A retreat is exactly what this girl needed.  And Preserve Retreat, by the BlogJam Atlantic team, was bang on.  Scenic setting at Oak Island Resort, blogging friends galore and stimulating discussions on all fronts made for an amazing weekend.

Since the first ever Blogjam, back 5 years ago, I’ve been a huge fan and do my best to be there.  This year, I didn’t think I was going to be able to swing it, but knew me AND my blog needed it more than ever.  I also have FOMO and the thought of so many of my blogging buddies hanging out for an entire weekend without me, well, the FOMO was strong!  But a special thanks goes out to a few people who ensured I was there, you know who you are and I truly appreciate your understanding and generosity!!!

So, what did I gain from being at Preserve Retreat?  Well, through so many of the incredible speakers, I took a long, hard look at myself, my blog and who my audience is and how I am serving them.  The deep questions were asked, the hard topics handled so expertly well and the environment was a safe and welcoming one. During the breaks, so much more discussion happened, and different perspectives shared.   It always amazes me how you can put a group of people in a room, the speaker gets up, does their thing and everyone’s take-away is different.  We hear what we need to hear, to force us out of our own box, the ruts we’ve been stuck in or to get that kick in the butt we need.

Of course, like always, these bloggers fill my cup.  They support and inspire me, they challenge me and are there for me.  Being surrounded by the fierce bloggers I am privileged enough to call friends, I am safe to ask myself why am I doing this?  Is it still relevant? What am I offering?  What do I want to be known for?  What is working, what isn’t?  What do I want from this blog? Do I still even want to blog? All the things.  I have some answers.  And I am still seeking other answers.

It’s common to hear the question being asked, ‘What is your WHY?’ In fact, in our conference room, there was even a large poster we could add our WHY to.  I didn’t.  I have discovered I lost my WHY.  Or maybe I never knew it in the first place.  So, I’ve been doing some soul searching and looking at Farm Fresh and wondering why it still exists.  You may notice that I took a blogging break.  All I’ll say about it is that it is complicated.  But what I learned from that was that my soul does crave to write and to share and to connect.  What that means for the future, I can’t say I know yet.  But know that I will be writing more posts and sharing more pictures because that’s what I love to do.

Preserve was so much of what I needed and on the level I needed, I wasn’t looking for information on SEO or how to grow my Insta following.  I needed to look at my blog and myself and figure shit out.  I still don’t have it all figured out but I think I’m on the right track.  I’m not typically a note taker at these events.  But I left with pages of notes, things I want to remember, things I want to share and explore more.

Thank you for sticking around even when I couldn’t.  Thanks for checking in when you saw the long pause.  Thank you for letting me share bits and pieces of life through this itty bitty corner of the world.



PS Photos by the talented Michelle Doucette, logo by the Preserve team


In Adventures

Royal NS Tattoo 2019

What better way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon than taking in the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo!  I’ve seen the show a few times over the years now and it never fails to entertain, educate and delight!!

You know how the best laid plans work, right?  Well, when I was asked to come to the Tattoo to write this review, the plan was for the handsome Mr. Byrne and I to make a date out of it and Mom would watch the girls.  Until the flu hit our home and not only did it mess with our Tattoo plans, the girls both missed their last day of school, too!!  Welcome to summer vacation, right?  So, instead of Michael and I having a date, I had the privilege of Lena’s company for the day!

We arrived at the Scotiabank Centre just as things were starting – I’ll blame the traffic and a car that had died in the middle of the street!  Thankfully I had run into Sarah and her crew, a friendly face always makes things better!

We settled into our seats and prepared to be entertained and wowed by acts from around the world, just like last year which you can read HERE.  And we weren’t disappointed this year, either!!!  This year’s theme, Power of Peace, is so relevant in this time and age, just as much as it was back in the days that the Tattoo is tied to and that they showcased over the course of the event.

There is something so thrilling about the sound of bagpipes filling the huge centre with their strains of Scotland.  It never gets old.  It speaks of history, tradition and honouring the past.  When the chords of many pipes blend together, or one, lonely piper plays, it does something to my soul.  I find watching the Tattoo to be a very emotional experience, time after time.

The part of the show that always gets me is when they ask all those who have served our country to stand.  Man, it is so powerful to see men and women, young and old rise and let the loud, boisterous applause of the crowd wash over them.  It never fails to bring me to tears.  I hope they truly know how thankful I am, that we are, for their service to this great country we call home.

I’m not a history buff and the stories they share during the performance ring a bell dating back to my schooling days but I’m not great at remembering dates and names.  The Tattoo does a wonderful job of educating as well as entertaining.  I was a kid when the Berlin wall came down.  I remember hearing about it but I felt impacted more by it during the Tattoo then when it actually happened.  Maybe it’s a certain amount of understanding that comes with age and seeing the world through adult eyes that changes it.  But the part of the show where they re-enacted the Berlin wall coming down will stick with me.  We are so much stronger united than divided.

Act after act impressed me with the dedication it takes to reach that performance level.  Hours upon hours.  That is the true spirit of team work.  Your team mates counting on you and not wanting to let anyone down.  And all that hard work paid off with shows of amazing precision, accuracy and incredible team effort.  I’m blown away with the exact movement and planning it must take to pull off some of those demonstrations.

I’m hard pressed to pick just one act that I’d call my favourite.  The United States Air Force Honor Guard Drill Team was mind-blowing with their exact precision – the gasps from the audience certainly lead me to believe I’m not the only one who was amazed!

Another favourite was the Chicago Wheel Jam by Cirques Experience.  The big hoops, the troupe’s teamwork and precise movements made for quite a show – add some walkers and things get even more interesting!!

The beauty and grace of the Black Diamond DrillDance Team – the shimmer, the shine and the big feathers made for some great watching!  So glad they made their way from Australia to Nova Scotia to show off their talents!

So, my question to you is – are you going?  Have you been?  What do you love about the Tattoo?  And if you aren’t going, hop over to HERE to get your tickets, there is still time!!  You won’t want to miss out on a fabulous piece of our Nova Scotian history and tradition!

Colourfully yours,


Disclaimer:  I was provided tickets to the show but my opinions voiced in this post are just mine take on it 😉





1 In Clear Day Farm/ Country Life

Meet the New Lambs!

Well, Lambing 2019 is behind us!  And boy oh boy, are those new babies cute!!  They’ve been filling my Insta feed, but I thought I’d share here, too, because new lambs are just too cute not to share EVERYWHERE!!!

First to lamb was Mocha, one of last year’s lambs from Sweet Willow, our matriarch.  Mocha had a single ram lamb, who arrived healthy and strong and unaided.  We all rolled home the Friday before last and there he was.  Hannah named him Spencer and he continues to grow like a bad weed!!  He’s a heavy little guy! It’s because he does this all the time and doens’t have to share all that great milk….

Next to lamb was Lily, she was a twin from Sweet Willow during her second year to lamb. { Lily and her twin, Sweetie, both lambed here last year but Sweetie got culled due to her aggresive behaviour towards any lambs but hers. }  When I went to do morning barn chores last week, there was one little lamb waiting for me, brand new and I saw tiny feet coming so I ran back to the house to wake up Hannah for the second delivery, but we were too slow, the other twin was already born when we got back to the barn.  Both ewe lambs did well off the hop, although the last one was a little smaller than her sister, so I did tube feed her to give her a little boost.  Hannah named the first-born Rosie and the little one Mia.

Then we waited for Sweet Willow.  Now, I feel like I need apologize to all those I told that I was sure Sweet Willow was going to lamb at any minute.  I kept you all waiting, unintentionally, I just can’t read sheep pregancies and labour signs very well.  In fact, I think I mention that same issue I had last year HERE and HERE { insert eye roll }

We watched and we waited, we looked for lamby-type signs from her and she gave ALL the signs.  And guys, she was as big as house!!!  In fact, she was so big, she had a hard time breathing, those babies took up so much room in her frame.  I was honestly worried about her.  And admittedly worried about how many babies were in that enormous belly.  Every day, multiple times a day someone would go out, check on her….and report back that there was nothing happening.

Until there was….last Friday morning, I went to the barn and sure enough, there was a lamb….but he was stuck.  I called Dad, because, well, I’m never too old not to need Dad in an emergency and he has years of practice with lambing.  I also woke up Michael but not Hannah, I didn’t want her to see this.  After some hard work, some tears on my part and lots of pep talks for Sweet Willow, we got the huge ram lamb out, but sadly he didn’t make it. Then Dad reached back in to see if the other twin he felt earlier was still alive.  Well, I lost it again when this tiny little lamb shook her little head and started breathing upon her arrival to the outside world.  She was just a little rig but boy, what a fighter.  Thankfully, oh so thankfully, she made it as did her poor momma.  Hannah named her Emma and named her big brother Domino, who we buried in the yard with Twiggy, BB and Cuddles. { These animals are so hard on the heart – we love, we lose and we cry and then we move forward and open up our hearts agian! }

The lambs are all doing very well this year, now that they are all here.  They are going out to pasture with their mommas everyday and it’s so fun to watch them run and hop and play together in the grass.  Once Emma gets a little bigger, they’ll stay out at night, too, but I’m a big sook and baby them too much, I’m sure.  I can just picture Dad reading reading this and thinking to himeself, ‘oh, just chuck them all out on pasture, they’ll be fine’.

It’s amazing how quickly they start doing ‘big’ sheep things like eat grain, or hay or graze like their mommas out on pasture.  I could took lamb pictures all day long….think there’s a job of that?? 😉

And just because lambing is such an amazing time of year, you can read some other posts about it HERE and HERE from previous years.

I love watching Hannah and hearing her talk to others about her lambs.  She has such a heart for these animals of hers and I’m just thrilled with how well she handles all the ups and downs of it all.  She’s a true farmer in her being and it gives her such a sense of place in this crazy world.  And even though having sheep means hard work for us, too, I wouldn’t trade these life lessons that are teaching her for anything.

Stay tuned to Instagram for more pictures, they are growing so fast and are just so stinkin’ cute!!!

Colourfully Yours,



2 In Adventures/ Blogging

Spoiled Rotten

I know I’ve been going on and on about the reFRESH Retreat, but it was a big part of my plan for 2019.  One of my goals for the retreat was to make sure the bloggers who attended felt like they were pampered and spoiled.  And, thanks to the sponsors who came on board with me, I think we achieved that.

Well, in fact I know the gals felt spoiled.  They were digging into their bags filled with goodies and they kept saying it felt like opening a stocking on Christmas.  Goal acheived!!

The bags that I packed up for each gal came from At Home! They are big and so very handy, I use mine everyday, in fact!  And thankfully we had bags that size, they held ALL the goodies perfectly!!  And since they are a nice heavy canvas, they aren’t just another gift bag to add to the stash or trash.

Colleen of Curtains are Open, one of the bloggers who hung out with us over the weekend, is also a graphic designer!   { You can check out her Esty account HERE } She made us these adorable prints that matched the cuffs I made for each gal.  I hung mine up in the kitchen right away!!  Be full of colour, be colourful – enjoy the colour!!

Our sponsors wanted to make sure we looked good so My Home Apparel sent us shirts!!!  I wish you all couldv’e been along for the taking of these selfies….it involved me climbing through a sun roof, scrambling back out with the 10 second timer set….thankfully there is the edit option on phones….

Another fabulous sponsor was Head Mermaid over at Sandy Toes, Crystal, and she sent us Professional Beach Bum trucker hats!!  Let me tell you, I was so happy the sun came out on Sunday afternoon and we were able to hit the road, find a quiet beach and have some fun capturing just how cute we all are in our hats!!

When you’ve got super creative friends, you want to do all you can to share their awesome-ness.  My Cape Breton friend, Shelley, started making earrings out of leather or walnut and now her works of art are my go-to earrings.  I was so happy she came on board to provide a pair of earrings for each of the gals.  Check out her Facebook page HERE and her newly opened Instagram account HERE.  And this picture that Colleen took of her earrings against some of Paula‘s beach treasure is pure perfection!

And what’s a pair of earrings without a pretty new necklace to go with it??  Beck and Boosh provided each gal with a pendant necklace.  It was fun to see each one and read about what each stone represented.  HERE is the Beck & Boosh website – they have so many great styles of accessories to pick from, I know you’ll have a hard time deciding!

Sylvie from Eclair Lips made sure our lips were well hydrated for the weekend.  And Strawberry Rhubarb flavour? Could you get a better flavour for a May long weekend in Cape Breton?  I think not!  After Blogjam last year, when I opened my first tube of Hippo Hugs, Eclair Lips has become my go-to lip balm.  And I’m a huge lover of lip-balms so I may have a collection of fun flavours from Eclair Lips.  You need to go check them out HERE and HERE.

One of my local friends, who I do life with, is a kick-butt Tupperware gal.  Like, big-time….I call her the Queen of Tupperware! Angela gave us all giant waterbottles to make sure we didn’t drink all the coffee and did actually hydrate with water every now and then. Plus – a bright pink orange peeler so it’s easy to find in the utensils drawer!! If you need anything Tupperware related, she’s your girl – check out her website HERE.

And what’s a swag bag without a tasty treat??  LURE Caramel Co. sent us packages of their salted caramels and I debated keeping them ALL for myself….I love them that much.  But sharing is caring so I did end up sharing them with the blogger friends who joined me at the retreat.  And I’m pretty sure they loved them as much as I did!  I’ve probably created more addicts now.  { Sidenote: when I stop for gas at the Earltown General Store, I always treat myself to 2 caramels! }

When you are on a writers retreat, you need a good notebook.  I was so excited when Angela of Angela’s Home Decor offered us the prettiest, most inspiring notebooks!  There were lots of pretty designs and each one was filled with pretty pictures and quotes interspersed.  There’s nothing like a new, fresh, crisp notebook!  I also added a pen that writes beautifully { I hate crappy pens, nothing drives me crazier than a pen that writes like crap!!! } a couple motivational pencils and washi tape to round out the writing theme.

Taylor from Country Roads Rustic Decor made us the perfect stemless glasses  – I love the saying on them – Bloggers gonna Blog – because we sure will!!!  The blogger gals were pretty stoked about these!!  I have no doubt they will be put to use 😉  Watch our fun little toast HERE!

A huge THANK YOU to all the sponsors who helped me with my goal to spoil the girls!!  I so enjoyed being able to gift so many products from amazing east coast businesses and help spread the world about just how awesome they are!

I promise I only have one more post to share about the retreat and it will be about all the tasty food we had over the course of the weekend.  But in case you are missing the little turquoise house by the sea, you can check out Colleen’s post HERE and Laura’s post HERE.  And mine is HERE.

Colourfully yours,
