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1 In Thrifting with Farm Fresh

Thrift Challenge Update

Finally!  I wasn’t sure I’d ever get to share the results of the challenge I put out there in February or not!  By some random fluke, I couldn’t upload pictures to my blog!  And what’s a great thrifting challenge without pictures??

So, the general plan is to take a selfie with a $20, and then see what you can find second-hand with it.  You can read my original post HERE.


I had a some friends join me in the challenge this time around which always adds to the fun – life is better with friends!  Jann from Tea with Jann as well as Laura from My Life in the Sun played along.  Sheila from Waterside Designs did some shopping, too.  I tried to convince my girls to join in but they didn’t bite.  Lena always manages to score awesome clothes, she doesn’t get it from me!

I’ve had some real fun over the course of the challenge poking around the shelves and racks at my local Value Village.  I had great intentions of exploring some other places, too, but it just didn’t work into my schedule this go-round.  A few fellow bloggers have mentioned Mission Mart in Bayer’s Lake so I’m adding it to my list.

One of the random things that took place in the aisles of VV was my friend/Associate Pastor Annette challenging me sourcing an outfit blindly.  Yep. Find the section with your size, close your eyes and when your partner says stop, whatever item your hand is on is now a piece of your outfit.  I gathered up jeans, a shirt, a coat, purse and carefully selected shoes { toe injury prevented me from some of the crazy heels we found }  I thought that the jeans were going to be too small, but thanks to my ‘Seeking Wellness’ journey, they fit and I actually bought them!  The rest I left behind…. but it sure was a lot of fun!

So, what did I find with my $20?  A pottery candle holder, a turquoise woven table runner, a copper watering can, white pottery bowl, colourful floral painting and a small footed wooden bowl.  Pretty good haul, eh?  And if you’re curious about the price break down, here it is:

Pottery Candle Holder $3.99

Copper Watering Can $2.40

Floral Painting $4.00

Wooden Bowl $3.00 { shown in stacked image at top of post }

Pottery Bowl $2.99 { not shown }

Runner $2.40 { not shown }

So what did some of my fellow thrifters find? Well – you need to go watch Jann’s video HERE to see what she found!

And below are some of the wooden pieces that Sheila found that I just know she will turn into amazing things, like that painted piece shown here, too!


Laura also found some great treasures – like the tea cups!!  Aren’t they the prettiest, boldest teacups you ever saw??

And my inspiring thrifting friend, Norene, scored some beauties, too….check out that beaded runner!!

And my thrifting soulmate, Krista, of course found some amazing treasures for so little money!!  I love when she posts the stories over on Insta getting you to guess how much she bought her treasures for.  She wrote a post outlining all the goodies she scored this go-round.  You can check it out HERE.

That wraps up this winter’s Thrifting with Farm Fresh Challenge!  Thanks to those who played along, got out to see what the shelves of their favourite thrift store’s where holding and what was worth breaking a twenty for.





1 In Life

Seek Wellness

As I mentioned back in THIS POST, my word for 2020 is Seek.  And January seems like the perfect time to talk about how I plan on seeking wellness throughout 2020.  The gyms are busy, people are eating healthy and on that bandwagon….and I guess I’m not that different.  I haven’t joined a gym but that’s pretty much the only difference between me and all the other goal-setters.

And I have to admit, I didn’t start 2020 with any clear goals for wellness.  I just knew I had to take a long hard look at what I was doing to my body and how I was treating it.  Fast food too often, way too much candy, sugar in my coffee and on my cereal, treats and junk food so easily justified and if I drank any water in the run of a day, I was doing well.  And being 44, well, that kind of punishment takes it’s toll.

It’s hard to believe that I used to run up the mountain, do half marathons…stretch out on my yoga mat….and now I do none of that.  Until now.  Well, to be clear, I haven’t signed up for any marathons.  But I have committed to a few things.  Nothing drastic or earth shattering, but simple steps to get me back on track to be healthier.  Because I see that I need to set an example for my girls, I see that my body needs some changes, I see that there are better ways to do things. And, most importantly, because I see that I AM WORTH IT.  And guys, that’s the most important thing.  I am doing this for me!

So, what exactly am I doing? This may change over time, I’m taking it a week at a time, but for now I am committing to:

  • Drinking at least 1 litre of water a day – I know I am suppose to drink 3 based on my height, weight, all that stuff but I want to set my goals to be obtainable at this stage.  I’m trying to set myself up for success
  • No fast food – I need to plan ahead and have food with me for those times I’m tempted to quickly grab some drive thru.  Subway is an approved choice, though, for the days I have to grab something
  • 30 minutes of exercise a day – might be yoga, walking, snowshoeing or the in-home work outs I’ll talk about in a minute
  • No ‘added’ sugar – I’m addicted to sugar – hardcore – so this is the toughest one for me.  This translates to no sugar in my coffee or on my cereal, no candy, no sweets.  I’m not too worried about what’s in the yogurt or fruit etc. but this is a tight boundary I need to set for myself.
  • 10,000 steps and 13 hours straight with at least 250 steps – this was an add-on when my Fitbit arrived, I want to beat Mom 😉 Sunday’s are my day where I don’t need to reach these goals, it’s tougher with church and that’s more important to me

Accountability is where it is at.  I can plan and make all the goals but I need people to cheer me on, people I can cheer on and people to reach out to when I struggle.  I’m thankful to have a few special gals who made their own commitments and who are there for me, no matter what.

I’ve also joined up with the amazing Suzi Fevens – a fitness guru, fellow blogger and friend.  I joined her wellU program and signed myself up for the 12-week ‘wellU Winter 2020 At Home Workout Program’  If this is something you might be interested in, it kicks off tomorrow and you can go HERE to check it out.  I’m excited and nervous to have committed to this….

I’m not expecting perfection. I know some days will be tougher than others. I’m setting out to be better than I was yesterday. That’s all. You’ll see I didn’t give any goals like ‘I want to lose 40lbs’ honestly, I don’t even know how much I weigh now. I debated buying a scale but opted not to because I don’t want it to be about that number. I want to feel more comfortable in my own skin, I want clothes to fit just a little better, I want to have a clearer mind and fueling my body better will help with all these things.  Daily, intentional movement will help with these things.

I’m not planning on posting all the time about Seeking Wellness.  I’m by no means an expert or a fitness blogger, I’m just a gal trying to make better choices.  And since it is January after all, I thought I’d share with you this part of my journey.



PS Published without pictures because I’m having technical issues….hope to add some soon!



2 In Make Something

Jeannie Rolls

When you find an amazing babysitter when you have babies or small children, you have so much.  But if that amazing babysitter also happens to make the best rolls ever, well, you’ve really got it good!

Our Jeannie, who babysat the girls since they were wee little, makes the best rolls and is always willing to share.  There was nothing better than at the end of a long work day, going to Jeannie’s to pick up the girls and receiving a bag with 4 Jeannie Rolls.  Usually, only one would make it all the way home 😉

I had never done any baking with yeast, I found it way too intimidating. But, finally, I asked Jeannie for her recipe, she talked me through each step.  I faced my fear and made my first batch of rolls.  The girls were the judges and even though they did turn out fine, they claimed they weren’t as good as Jeannie’s.  Over the past few years, I’ve made the rolls with more confidence, but still get the same review every time. Jeannie makes these rolls with such love and ease, probably 99% of the time to be shared with those she loves and cares for – not only in her family, but in the community, too.

Jeannie ‘retired’ when Hannah started school { I use the term very loosely, she loves kids too much to give it up completely } and yet, the girls love to pop by for a visit and just before Christmas when we dropped by, she pulled a bag of rolls from the freezer to share with us.  The girls were over the moon and begged to eat the rolls, frozen and all….I at least let them thaw a little on the car vent first 🙂

So, I thought I would document the recipe here, not only to put it out in the world, but so that years form now, our love for Jeannie is documented, too.  <3

Jeannie Rolls


1 cup hot milk

1/4 cup butter or margarine

1 envelope Traditional yeast

1/2 cup warm water

1 tbsp sugar

2 beaten eggs

4 cups flour

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp salt

Step 1. In one bowl, set the yeast by mixing the warm water, sugar and yeast packet

Step 2. In another bowl, heat your milk until it melts your butter

Step 3. In a large bowl, mix dry ingredients and form 3 wells in mixture

Step 4. Once yeast is risen, add yeast mixture into one well, beaten eggs into another and the hot milk and butter into third.  Stir in until it forms a dough.

Step 5. Knead dough about 20 times, then oil dough and put in oiled bowl.

Step 6. Cover and let rise for 45 minutes

Step 7. Cut dough into 16 pieces and form into knots, place on tray

Step 8. Cover and let rise for 45 minutes

Step 9. Bake at 350* for 20 minutes, turning after 10 minutes

Step 10. Rub tops with butter as soon as you remove from the oven

The steps are really simple, and the rolls are delicious.  I’m glad I faced my fears of working with yeast, I enjoy making these rolls for my family and to share with friends.  Another fun part of it is always telling tales from the years at Jeannie’s house – silly stories, stories of walks, stories of friendships made – the memories are probably the best part of Jeannie Rolls.

Let me know if you try the recipe out or if you’ve had the privilege of having Jeannie Rolls made by Jeannie herself, or even better, if you are one of the blessed ones to have been in the circle of love at Jeannie’s house.




4 In Adventures/ Blogging/ Thrifting with Farm Fresh/ Uncategorized

Thrifting with Farm Fresh

Well, what better way to kick off 2020 then with a Thrifting Challenge!

It’s no secret that I love to search for treasures among the thrift stores and antique stores.  Basically, that is how my house is decorated!!  Almost every piece has a story and I probably bought 90% of things second hand.  Wait, maybe closer to 95%….as I look around 😉

There are a few reasons why I love searching second hand for things for my home.  I love getting out and trying to find the treasures among all the crazy things you find on the shelves or at the yard sales.  You might find 20 awesome things or you might find zero.  You just never know!

I also really like the idea that these items are given a second chance, they haven’t made their way into the landfill to pollute our earth.  And if I’m finding the items second-hand, then it means I’m not buying something new, something that had to be processed, shipped and packaged.   I realize that it probably makes a teeny tiny impact, but it’s something and if we each do something little, it all adds up, right?

Now, I’m not one to buy a lot of clothes for myself second hand.  I hate clothes shopping on a good day.  So, I tend to find it very frustrating to shop second hand for my clothes.  If there is anyone out there willing to lend a hand and teach me how to do it, by all means, reach out!   The girls are much easier to clothe with hand-me-downs and they tend to always find great things second hand.

So, who wants to join me for a $20 Thrift store Challenge?  We have done this in the past and had great fun doing it!  You can read past posts about it HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.  {Look how young I was in that last post – say what??? That seems like forever ago!! }

What do you do?  Take a picture of you holding your $20, send it to me….then SHOP!  And send me pictures of you with your treasures!  If you are posting any pictures on the socials, tag me and use the hashtag #thriftingwithfarmfresh and I’ll share them, too!  I have discovered new places to go hunt for treasures thanks to this challenge last year!  Let’s give ourselves a month to hunt – we’ll do a wrap up the first week of February so send those pictures to me!

Hope you’ll join us!!  Let me know if you’re in!



9 In Adventures/ Blogging

Word of the Year 2020

It’s time to reveal my word for 2020!!  I’ve thought long and hard, changed my mind several times….and finally settled on SEEK.

How is SEEK going to influence 2020 for me? For my family? For this blog?  That’s the exciting thing  – I’m not sure what all it might mean! But I have some ideas as to how I’d like it to pan out.

(Photo by Michelle Doucette of East Coast Food Stories taken at Preserve Retreat)

But first let me give you a little background.  Life is filled with options, twists and turns.  Do you remember those ‘Choose your own Adventure’ books?  Sometimes I feel like I’m lost, wandering through the pages of one of those books, stuck thinking, ‘but what if….’  Which, just in case you haven’t figured it out for yourself yet, is pointless.  So, from where I am, regardless which page I flipped to in this adventure called life, I will SEEK.

Throughout 2020, I’m not just going to let life lead me wherever.  I want to live with more intention and be more deliberate in my day to day.  I’m always amazed at how many days can go by without even realizing…you know, like driving your typical route to work, arriving and wondering how you got there?  I want less of that in my everyday.

Today, for example, the girls wanted to go sledding at Mom and Dad’s awesomely amazing sledding hill { who cares it was a snow storm } and I had planned to just drop them off and head home to work on this post.  But then, I decided that no, I was going sledding, too!!  Who cares that the hill is steep and long and that I watched them coast down at Christmas with my heart in my throat.  I wanted the adventure of it.  I wanted to laugh with my girls and have fun with their friends.  If I’m sore tomorrow, I’ll get to chalk it up to great afternoon filled with adventure, laughter and fun.

So I’m going to make a point to SEEK the following things each and every day of 2020!













I feel like my journey of seeking in 2019, and so I will continue to seek throughout 2020.  I’m nervous and excited for what 2020 just might have in store.  Will it all be smooth sailing and roses?  No, of course.  Will it all be horrible and hard?  No, certainly not.  I’m going to continue to look for joy in my life, no matter what comes my way.  My life has a under-running current of Joy and that won’t change in 2020.

When I selected Colour for 2019, I tried (and failed) to implement a monthly component to my word. And I wasn’t thinking about doing that this year but then, through some conversation with my fellow blogger friend, Little Sarah Birch, I saw the opportunity to expand on the things I’m seeking in 2020 and shed some light on who I am and how I’m wired. Don’t hold me to it, but we’ll see where it goes.

I put the question out on my FB page for people’s new word for 2020.  I love the responses I got. IMPACT. COMPASSION. ADVENTURE. PATIENCE. GROW. INSPIRE. RESET. PERSEVERANCE. JOY. EXPERIENCE. KIND. GRATEFUL. PROGRESS. WISDOM. VALUE. PLAY. TIME.

If you’ve selected a word to inspire you throughout 2020 (I refuse to use the term ‘guiding word’…far too woo woo for this girl) I’d love to hear about it.  Drop me a comment here on the blog, Instagram or FB!

And just because it’s fun to look back over the years, here are my past words!

2019 – Colour

2018 – More

2017 – Warrior

2016 – Finding Joy

2015 – Settle

2014 – Create

2013 – Love

Please let me know if you have a word you’d like to share with me!!  And I hope you are welcoming 2020 with open arms, and a certain level of excitement and refreshment for a new year of possibility!

