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4 In Life/ Our Family

A Dutch Gift

Every year, Mom and Dad gave each family a gift for Christmas.  In the past it’s been tents, family excursions, but this year it was a nod to our Dutch roots.  A big bin filled with tasty treats and Delft blue goodness!!

Mom and Dad both immigrated to Canada from Holland through Pier 21 as children and settled with their families in Ontario. { You can read about our Christmas gift family tour of Pier 21 HERE. } Then they met, married and started their family before moving to Nova Scotia in 1974, where I arrived the following year.  They farmed here in Nova Scotia from then until they retired just over a year ago.  You can read that story HERE.

But anyway, this isn’t a family history lesson! This is about the goody basket!  Guys!!  So many treats I remember from being a kid, treats we still enjoy – so much goodness!  And this is actually an introduction to some other things I haven’t had before but look forward to having again.

I’m not going to tell you what each thing is or review it. I know some people will know what some of these treats are, some might cringe at the yummy ‘double-salt’ candies and for others this might be a nice walk down memory lane.  For example, the King peppermints, which would be handed out at the beginning of the sermon each and every Sunday morning! I love it when Mom still digs a roll out.

One of the non-edible goodies was this Delft blue ornament.  I love it so much!  In fact, I may make next year’s Christmas tree all blue and white as an ode to my Dutch roots.  What do you think?

Every Christmas, without fail, we are given a Chocolate letter, on of the traditions in not just our family, but a lot of Dutch families, too.  Sometimes we get the correct letter and sometimes we get a fun poem explaining why we’re getting the letter D or I or P when our name starts with L.  And that is all part of the fun, too!  Sometimes we play tricks on our parents and slip a deck of cards in our box and eat the chocolate long before we are supposed to unwrap gifts 😉

Christmas is filled with traditions, new and old and it’s exciting to see how each Christmas plays out, year by year.  I know it is long past us now, but still, the fond memories live on.

Colourfully yours,





2 In Decorating/ Make Something

DIY Pompom Garland

This past Christmas I decided I wanted to add some more colour to our tree.  It wasn’t quite as bright as I had hoped, in part because I didn’t get to make all the decorations I had wanted to.  So I sat down one night while watching Netflix with the handsome Mr. Byrne and started making pompoms for a garland around the tree.

Making pompoms is a fun way to get to own/purchase/shop for yarn.  I word it like that because I love yarn but I don’t knit or crochet so I started making pompoms well before I started weaving.  Now, with weaving, I have a lovely suitcase filled to overflowing of lovely yarns and fibres.  And, the nice thing is, pompoms are super fun and easy to make.  The girls made a bunch around Christmastime, too, they raided my yarn stash plus Hannah has a bunch of her own yarn, too.


The first step is to select your colours.  I used brightly coloured yarn, some was 100% wool and others were acrylic or whatever, and for this project, the content doesn’t matter, more the colours that I wanted.

We have a wooden pompom tool that came in a small loom kit we found on sale at our local Michael’s store.  It makes it very easy to whip up a pompom in no time flat. There are other tools and ways out there you can make pompoms, too, but this was handy and so I though I’d try it out.

You simply wind the yarn around and around the prongs.  The more times you wrap it, the fuller your pompom will be.

The next step is to tie off the middle of your pompom.  I used my warp thread for weaving, it is thin and very strong, so I could pull it tight without worrying about it snapping. I wrapped around the center twice and then knotted it and cut my ends off.  If your pompom is full enough, you won’t see this string.

Then you slide your pompom off the prongs.  You can see I didn’t get my strings perfectly in the center, you may be able to slide the string but I wasn’t overly worried about, once it is gathered against the other pompoms, you won’t even notice it.

Then you grab a pair of sharp scissors and cut your loops.  Dull scissors will only drive you mad, trust me.

Then comes the fun part, fluffing and trimming your pompom.  The left side hasn’t been trimmed yet and the right side had been.  Every once and awhile when I’m trimming, I’ll give it a good shake to fluff it up so I can see where any long sections are.

These fluffy trimmings are just so fun against the iron of this little dish, I just threw it in here because it brings me joy. 🙂

After you are happy with your trimming, you have a pompom!!!

Again, I used my warp thread to string my garland on.  I used a needle to string the pompoms together.  You need to find the center of the pompom, where you wrapped the other string around, because you have to thread the string through there or your pompom won’t stay on!

After you have your pompom threaded on, it’s just a matter of repeating as many times as you want pompoms!

I spaced my pompoms out for the tree.  This year’s tree was too big and too round to make a solid garland for.  So, I just added more warp thread and the knots are small enough that the pompoms will slide over them.

And after Christmas, I still wanted to see my pretty garland, so I slide them together and hung them in the hallway!  Now I can see them all the time and I will say, they make me pretty happy!

Now, I love colour, it’s no secret.  But this would be equally as gorgeous in a fluffy cream yarn, too!  All colour, or no colour, it’s a fun, easy way to decorate your tree or your home!

Colourfully yours,




1 In Clear Day Farm

Sunday Morning Scenes from the Farm

Well, the snow is piling up again and has turned our world into a pretty snowglobe.  Our road is unplowed, which means its a gamble if we can make it out with our low cars.  So, no church for us today.

That meant I had a few extra moments to wander around with my camera.  I love when I get to wander our property with my camera in hand.  Makes me realize just how blessed we are to live here, in this gorgeous rural setting.  Sometimes I roll in and out of our yard without appreciating my surroundings.  But mornings like these, I see it anew.


What is it about fence lines draped in snow? Sigh, so pretty!!!




We have big plans for this shed, tucked under our tall spruce. I can’t wait to get started on it. We did a bunch of work this fall, but to turn it into what I have envisioned going to take more work yet! But for now, a cozy blanket of snow will do!



And one last one of our new bonfire chairs, waiting for a brightly burning fire. This fall we lost one of the sentry spruce trees that stood guard in our front yard, but now, the trunk stands guard around the fire pit!


Even though the landscape is only varying shades of white and grey today, it’s beautiful anyway! I hope you are tucked warmly in your home, snuggled up with someone you love!

Colourfully yours,


2 In Blogging/ Life/ Make Something/ Makeover

Called to be Creative

Creativity runs in my blood. My grandmothers were both makers, my Opa was as well. All in very different ways but in their own right. My mom is creative, too, although she’s probably deny it. My Dad claims that he doesn’t have a creative bone in his body regardless of the fact his mother was an incredible artist.

I mentioned in THIS POST that I had made myself a cuff with the saying on it – ‘called to be creative’.  It was a hashtag that I found and starting using some on Instagram.  But then the more I used it, the more it resonated with me.  I added up putting it on a cuff as a reminder to me to use my gifts.

I grew up being given free rein to a drawer of craft supplies. Later with fabric scraps and mom’s sewing machine. And the scrap wood in the machine shed was fair game, too. I made everything from clothes to forts to wild stories and poems. My access to materials was never denied.

But it was never a conscience thing. It was just how it was at home. All of us kids were always dreaming up something. And I know for my best friend growing up, it was the same. It was nothing for her to sew something up, or make something or other. I never thought a thing of it. It was perfectly normal. The fact that I was one of the very few in my Home Ec class that knew how to thread a sewing machine never occurred to me.

Fast forward to adulthood.  I spend my days creating comfy, inviting homes for my clients.  I love playing with colour.  I geek out over fabric samples.  I dream up combinations of flooring, backsplashes and furniture.  I think in Benjamin Moore colours for walls and Miss Mustard Seed paint colours for furniture.  I love taking something cast-off and turning it into something fabulous.  It’s just how I’m wired, how I am.  I think nothing of it.  It’s my normal.

But.  There’s always a but, right? It took me a long time to see that this is a form of creativity.  I don’t call myself an artist.  I don’t do oil paintings, I can’t whip up a landscape watercolour and I’ve only played with pottery a bit { but I’m aching to get back at it…. } I’m not an artist in the way that society thinks of an artist.  But it doesn’t mean I’m not creative.

These gifts I use in my day-to-day life, pairing colours, fabrics, styles, it is what I am called to do.  I’m called to help people turn a shell, a house into their home.  To talk with them and figure out what will work for them and help them create a space that they feel comfortable in.  And it is my pleasure to do so.  For a while, I felt as though my career as vanity, frivolous, fluff, if you will.  And I think it was because I didn’t realize that just anyone could do what I do.  I didn’t see the value in what I did.  And sadly I worked in this field for a long time before I realized my worth, the value in my skillset and gifts.


I keep referring to my design skills as a gift.  And I believe that.  I firmly believe that I was given this particular set of gifts and I am called to put them to use.  Whether that is out in my studio, setting our own house up or helping someone else transform their space. I think we are each given talents and gifts in this life.  What we do with them is up to us.  But I have found that putting our natural talents to use is far more fulfilling then fighting it.

So, I will continue on my path, using my creative talents in many ways.  In fact, I’ve got a fun project coming up in the next few months that I can’t wait to share with you all but I’ll keep that under wraps for the moment.  It is exciting to see the different ways that these can be exercised – my day job, my studio time, our home, my work with the At Home magazine, my blog, 4-H – so many ways to put these to good use!

It is my hope that you have discovered your talents and gifts.  And that you have found a way to put them to use that is rewarding, satisfying and fulfilling!

Colourfully yours,


PS The artwork in this post is from my grandmother, Lena, I feel quite honoured to have as much of it as I do!

5 In Make Something

The Surprise in Cuff-making

Before Christmas, I advertised that I was making cuffs.  And you guys were great to respond with purchasing them for yourselves and for loved ones in your life.  And I am very thankful.

Here’s the thing.  I was expecting to enjoy the process of making them each for you.  And I certainly did.  I love getting out into my studio and creating things.  And if I can make a little extra money doing it, even better.  But what I wasn’t expecting was how much I would enjoy the back stories of those words I stamped for you.

I’m going to share a few stories with you.  If they touched me, I know you will find something in them, as well.  Granted, I know I’m a sap, too.

I made one cuff, stamped with the word ‘Hope’ for my dear friend, Janice. That ‘Hope’ is for the life of a sweet little foster boy – that he settles into his forever home, finally reunited with his birth sister.  ‘Hope’ that the ache and hole he leaves behind heals, in the lives of those he lived with and those he was loved by.  I, too, love this boy.  He is lovable and boy, I’m going to miss his bright little smile.  And it is my ‘Hope’ for Janice and her family that they treasure the memories, take some time for themselves but that they open their hearts and home again someday, when they are ready.

Christine and I talked about what she would want on a cuff, and the conversation took a turn when she mentioned that she considered getting a tattoo of the word ‘Hooray’.  We decided a cuff was a good, temporary place to start.  But ‘Hooray’ had to be bright – no brown or black cuff would do for the fun of a word, right?  So when I found this purple leather – I knew it was right!!  I love ‘Hooray’!! Dave and Christine used big, bold letters of ‘Hooray’ at their wedding, too and it was perfect!!

This is such a great reminder that we all need by times, right?  This was one I mailed out to my friend, Terrie as a little Christmas surprise.  It was something we spoke about that we need to talk time to just ‘Be Still’, but man, is it hard to actually do.  A cuff seems like the perfect way to remember. 

I made another ‘Be Still’ cuff from one sister to another as she watched her sister fly through life, filling her days with work, raising kids and all the stuff life tosses our way.  It’s a gentle reminder out of love, to take time to rest, to worship, to just be.

The cuffs in this picture – ‘Delight’, ‘Finding Joy’ and ‘I Am The Good Shepherd’ – are fabulous reminders.  The story behind the ‘I Am The Good Shepherd’ cuff is that recipient of the cuff tends to be someone who is always taking care of others, she has the biggest heart.  So her sister wanted her to remember that she deserves to be taken care of and that the Good Shepherd is HER shepherd, too and He loves her.

The ‘Finding Joy’ cuff is mine.  Every year when I pick a Word of the Year, I make something to serve as a physical reminder of my word.  And back at the beginning of 2016, I decided on Finding Joy, so I made myself a cuff.  I did change the leather it was on, but I do still love ‘Finding Joy’ 😉

These two were a momma’s reminder to her daughters – daughters who have left the nest and are finding their way in the world.  A mother never stops loving or worry about her children.

When I made this one, I had no idea who would end up with it.  It was donated to our local recreation program to go in a basket that was being raffled off.  And I couldn’t be more thrilled that my friend ended up winning it.  Life has been really tough for her these last few years and I hope she finds a new way to ‘Bloom’ in the life she now finds herself.

Words to live by here, eh? The funny thing about this cuff isn’t what this one actually says but the conversation about what to put on a cuff, how many words would fit, can I do a scripture verse on a cuff….she jokingly asked for all of Psalm 23 and I told I could do it but it would have to be on a ladle, not a spoon!  Thankfully she decided on this two powerful words. 😉

My friend, Alena’s mom ordered this for her and she asked me for my input on what it should say.  And really, Alena unknowingly picked this herself.  I was scrolling through her FB posts to see if inspiration struck.  And it did, this was a hashtag Alena had used on a few of her Letterboard posts and it was perfect.  It is up to us to find that beauty, or create that beauty in our day-to-day lives.  But we have to be ready to see it, too.  Alena, I know that you will ‘Make Everyday Beautiful’, regardless of how long some days are or the curveballs life throws!  I was so happy to make this for you and I know you’re reading this!! xo

Sometimes a cuff is so much more than just a cuff.  Sometimes it’s a consistent reminder that you’ve got someone cheering you on as you deal with life’s huge struggles like cancer.  Sometimes it’s a positive note to remind you are strong enough, a note to say you are loved.  This was a special Christmas gift from a daughter to her mother as she fights.

Well, you know I had to make myself another cuff, right?  Honestly, it was a trial to see if this leather was too thick.  But I figured I might as well make it something meaningful and now I wear it almost daily.  I have a post started about what this saying means to me, I’ll be sharing it soon!

I am going to continue to offer cuffs throughout the year.  It’s a fun, creative thing for me to do and it seems to have resonated with you, too.  So, if you want to order one, message me on FB or Insta or email me – you know how to find me….  If there is something you need to remember, get a cuff.  If your friend/daughter/mother/friend needs to be reminded about something, get them a cuff.

To be continued,
