At the beginning of the month, as a lot of people do, I had set goals. Now, I want to say I’m not a goal setter by nature. So, my setting goals is really a big a deal. I sent my list of goals to two blogging friends. And I love how they each reacted – one happy for me and the other equally happy for me but she came back at me with a list of questions. It’s one thing to make a list of goals, but she made me look hard at those goals and what it would entail month by month.
What a reality check! I’m so glad she made me switch my focus from the end of the year to what I needed to do each month. It made the goals less ‘pie in the sky’ for me and laid out the path I needed to take to make them actually happen. Also, let it be noted, it scared the crap out of me.
If you noticed I’ve been blogging here more often, you’d be right. One of my goals is to reach 1000 blog posts this year!! Which means I need to sit and write. And the tighten schedule has been so good. I feel so much more inspired. I think Oscar Wilde was right when he said, ‘You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” The more I wrote, the more I wanted to sit down to write. And thankfully, you guys showed up to read those posts!!
I’ve also posted every day over on Instagram. It’s hard to build followers over there, I find { Insert eye roll } But posting daily has certainly helped. And it gets me in the habit again, too. I debated doing the Fat Mum Slim Photo-a-Day challenge again, I haven’t done it for years now, but I think for now I’ll stay focused on DIY, decorating and a glimpse of farm life with the occassional stunning Nova Scotia scene thrown in. I finished off my 100 Days of Home – seemed to take for.ever. but I stuck with it. Sometimes have that little bit of guideline helps.
One of my goals was to start a Joy Journal in 2019 and I got on that right off the hop. You can read a little about it HERE. I know that I will appreciate it in the years to come. Future Lori will thank Present Lori for starting it and making some notes to look back at what caught my eye, what brought me Joy.
I’ve been putting my Word of the Year into practice this month, too. Making colourful projects, dying my hair blue, and making an effort to see the colour even when it seems dark and dull outside. I can already tell the Colour was the right word for me for 2019.
We have a little excitment at Costandi Designs happening, too. I’ll fill you in more on that soon but for now, just know it’s BIG!!! 🙂
I’m quite happy to be heading into February, though. I have a few more things to check off my To-Do list tonight then I’m ready for it!! I know there will be lots of snow, ice, wind and deadlines. But I’m hoping for more stunning sunsets and sunshiny days. Maybe more snowshoes in the woods, hot chocolate with leftover Christmas candy canes and visits with friends.
January, we’ll part as friends….this time….
Colourfully yours,