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In Blogging

January Summary

Where did the month go?  How are we at the end of the month??  I love the posts about January being 79 or more days long.  Feels accurate, right?

At the beginning of the month, as a lot of people do, I had set goals.  Now, I want to say I’m not a goal setter by nature.  So, my setting goals is really a big a deal.  I sent my list of goals to two blogging friends.  And I love how they each reacted – one happy for me and the other  equally happy for me but she came back at me with a list of questions.  It’s one thing to make a list of goals, but she made me look hard at those goals and what it would entail month by month.

What a reality check!  I’m so glad she made me switch my focus from the end of the year to what I needed to do each month.  It made the goals less ‘pie in the sky’ for me and laid out the path I needed to take to make them actually happen.  Also, let it be noted, it scared the crap out of me.

If you noticed I’ve been blogging here more often, you’d be right.  One of my goals is to reach 1000 blog posts this year!!  Which means I need to sit and write.  And the tighten schedule has been so good.  I feel so much more inspired.  I think Oscar Wilde was right when he said, ‘You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”  The more I wrote, the more I wanted to sit down to write.  And thankfully, you guys showed up to read those posts!!

I’ve also posted every day over on Instagram.  It’s hard to build followers over there, I find { Insert eye roll } But posting daily has certainly helped.  And it gets me in the habit again, too.  I debated doing the Fat Mum Slim Photo-a-Day challenge again, I haven’t done it for years now, but I think for now I’ll stay focused on DIY, decorating and a glimpse of farm life with the occassional stunning Nova Scotia scene thrown in.  I finished off my 100 Days of Home – seemed to take for.ever.  but I stuck with it.  Sometimes have that little bit of guideline helps.

One of my goals was to start a Joy Journal in 2019 and I got on that right off the hop.  You can read a little about it HERE.  I know that I will appreciate it in the years to come.  Future Lori will thank Present Lori for starting it and making some notes to look back at what caught my eye, what brought me Joy.

I’ve been putting my Word of the Year into practice this month, too.  Making colourful projects, dying my hair blue, and making an effort to see the colour even when it seems dark and dull outside.  I can already tell the Colour was the right word for me for 2019.

We have a little excitment at Costandi Designs happening, too.  I’ll fill you in more on that soon but for now, just know it’s BIG!!! 🙂

I’m quite happy to be heading into February, though.  I have a few more things to check off my To-Do list tonight then I’m ready for it!!  I know there will be lots of snow, ice, wind and deadlines.  But I’m hoping for more stunning sunsets and sunshiny days.  Maybe more snowshoes in the woods, hot chocolate with leftover Christmas candy canes and visits with friends.

January, we’ll part as friends….this time….

Colourfully yours,



In Life

Joy Journal

I started my Joy Journal. Some people have gratitude journals, some people document their day-to-day life and others note the weather.  But I don’t want to hold myself to anything that requires a daily commitment, either.  I have learned a few things about myself over the years.

I wanted to start documenting things that brought me Joy.  I’ve posted my ‘found Joy’ on Instagram but sometimes it isn’t photo worthy.  Or something that can be captured in a picture even.  But I want to be more aware of the things that bring me Joy so I decided I wanted to start a Joy Journal.  I mentioned it HERE.

I shopped for a blank journal that spoke to me.  I bought two.  A sweet little red one and this bigger turquoise one with a shiny J on the front.  I took a poll an Instagram and now I can’t even remember the results.  I decided on the turquoise Journal and away I went.  The red journal is kicking around here somewhere…..I’m sure someday I’ll need a little red journal and then I’ll have the perfect one on hand!

I started with some quotes about Joy and some entries early in the month.  In theory I’d love to add an entry each night before bed but I know I’d do better first thing in the morning, posting about the previous day.  I need to have it handy, or it just doesn’t happen.

Colour brings me joy and so do yummy Macarons.  How pretty are these? I love how they pair with the turquoise cover, but I’m getting sidetracked! Oh, but before I forget, you can join my FB group where we semi-publically share what has brought us Joy, click on the sunflower picture on the main page of this site and it’ll bring you to us!

I know someday I will be very thankful that I took notice and made notes of the little things in my daily life that made me smile, made me feel special or made me take notice of the beauty and splendor around me.

Are you someone who makes daily documentation of life?  Do you have a Gratitude Journal? Or do you want to join me with a Joy Journal?  I’d love to hear about it!

Colourfully yours,



10 In Adventures/ Decorating

Farm Fresh Thrift Challenge

I so enjoy the thrill of the hunt.  Yard sales, antique stores, thrift shops, old houses – you name it, I want to poke around.  And a looooong time ago, we did the Macklemore Thrift Challenge with Young House Love.  And its high time we did it again!

Do you remember the song? You can listen HERE if you’d like, it never gets old, the swearing might be too much for some….I warned you, though!  I chuckle every time.  Then Young House Love threw down the challenge to spend $20 in an old blog post HERE with a follow-up post HERE.  And I took them up on the challenge, which you can read about HERE.

It’s so fun to connect over thrifting so it’s time for another round.  Every time I share my finds on Instagram, people always comment so I know I’m not alone in my love of thrifting.  And with New Year’s resolutions going strong and the Marie Kondo series on Netflix, thrifting is at its prime!

Who wants to thrift with me? Budget limit is $20.  Photograph yourself with your $$$ and send me the pictures to show you are in within the next week-ish.  Then, on February 18th, or before, send me a picture and description of the goodies you found!  It’s as simple as that!  I may even share your pictures in the blog or on Instagram down the road!

If you are into the whole social media thing, use the hashtag #thriftingwithfarmfresh to share your selfie, your hunt and/or your treasures!!  I’ve already talked two friends into it with – who else will join us!?!?!?


Colourfully yours,




2 In Decorating

Colour – Red

As promised, each month in 2019, I’m going to share information with you on a specific colour.  This month, for the kick-off, we’re going to start with my favourite.  Red.  

I thought we could look at a few things about each colour we explore.  We’ll talk about the colour itself, the way it impacts us in our home, some of my favourite reds and how I use red in our home.

I don’t know when I first fell for red in my home, but I love it and use it all the time throughout our current house and our previous house, too.  I find that a lot of people are afraid to use strong colours in their home and without some contrast, sometimes an interior can fall flat.  I especially love paired with turquoise but we’ll get there…

Red, when used in your home, demands attention.  Your eye is immediately pulled to it. Red creates excitement in a space.  A room, such as a powder room or dining room can handle dramatic red walls. But it can be overpowering when used on all 4 walls in a bedroom or living room.  Red, being one of the primary colours, is bright and bold, perfect to add a pop of colour to a classic exterior, or to give a nautical nod to a cottage and of course, great fun for any kids space, too.

In our home, we have red accents throughout the living room, kitchen and dining room.  It’s just one of those colours that makes me happy.  Our curtains are red, our huge living room rug has red in it and of course I can’t forget our chippy red dresser that holds the TV.  Red pairs well with the turquoise and navy I like to use, too.  It keeps our home fresh and fun, I’m not one to keep things too serious and formal…although I am a sucker for a pretty Persian rug…

Red a great, classic colour for old time country vibes – think old red barns, painted buckets, lanterns and stools. There’s nothing prettier that faded red paint from long-gone eras.

The girls have both slept on the old, wooden twin bed that is painted a bold red.  In fact, Hannah has requested that it makes a return to her room.  I will admit, it is my favourite, it was in the spare bedroom in our first home which later become the nursery and since I’m a sentimental fool, I’ll gladly lug that bed in for Hannah.

My favourite red paint colour from Benjamin Moore is Bonaparte, CC-64.  And if I’m painting a treasure out in my studio, you know I’m going to turn to Miss Mustard Seed’s Tricycle.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little detour into the colour Red.  When I decided on Colour for my Word of the Year, which you can read about HERE, I thought I would tap into the lessons I learned when I was studying Interiors.

What do you have that is red in your home?

Colourfully yours,


In Life

Bedtime And Memories

I remember my bedtime when I was a kid and I hope that my kids have the same fond memories….but as the mom it feels very different from how it was as the kid, right?

When I think of my bedtime as a child things like chatting with Dad about his day and goofing off with my sister come to mind.  I felt safe, and loved.  Which is exactly how you want to feel at the end of the day, as a child but even still as an adult.

One of the best things about bedtime as a kid was asking Dad, day after day, what he did that day, after he tucked me in and either him or Mom said prayers with me.  There is not a doubt in my mind that it started as a stalling tactic – what kid wants to go to bed?  But I asked and he answered night after night.  “I got up, milked the cows and came in for breakfast….”  I’m sure what followed changed from day to day, maybe he had a meeting or had to go to the Co-op for supplies or to the sales barn to drop off a cull cow or some bull calves.  But everyday, year after year, he started the day the same, he told me every night I asked and that stuck with me.  My days start differently, depending on the day of the week, my work schedule, the season, etc. so I wouldn’t be able to give the same answer on repeat like Dad.

By the end of my day, when bedtime hits for the girls, I’m ready to send them on their merry way so I can find a few moments of peace.  Does that make me nice at bedtime? Nope, probably not.  I’m not one for dilly-dallying – get your pyjamas on, brush your teeth and hurry your hinny into bed.  Now is not the time to contemplate the meaning of life or hash out anything.  And I realize that I am probably missing out on a great time to connect with my children.  I’m not a night owl so by bedtime, which here is 8 pm, I’m pretty much toast.

I remember when we lived in our last house, both girls shared a room and were much tinier, I would sit in the door way and sing to them.  I had a list of songs I would sing and then I’d wander off down the hall and leave them to their sweet dreams.

They do like Michael or myself to lay down with them at bedtime, but my problem is that I usually fall asleep and wake up sore at some odd hour and I’d stagger off to my own bed, or just roll over and call it a night.  But I found I didn’t sleep well, which isn’t a huge surprise, I guess.

I need to relax to be more open to things that force me out of the routine we’ve created for bedtime here, so that if there are conversations that need to take place, I’m in-tune with that.  Or if someone needs an extra snuggle, then I can.  Even thought they are older and so much more capable to do things on their own, they do still need me and rely on us for comfort and support.  And I’d honestly hate to miss out on that with them because I know as we enter the teenage years, I want them to be able to talk things through with us.

Do you have a bedtime routine that works awesomely with your family? Do you remember your bedtime as a kid fondly? Tell me all about it!

Colourfully yours,


{ B&W photo is an oldie by Christine of Wonkyeye Photography of Lena }