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In Clear Day Farm

March Fourth

Today was the day, 2 years ago, that Ebony joined our family.  It’s easy to remember her ‘Gotcha Day’ because she was rather hard to load onto the trailer and we really just needed her to ‘March Forth’ onto the trailer.  😉

Even though it’s only been 2 years that Ebony has been with us, it feels  much longer, she is such a fixture in our family and in the barn.  I can’t imagine what life was like without her!  The girls love her and I hope the life lessons having animals that they are responsible for will help set them up to be good, hard workers later in life.


Ebony is no spring chicken anymore, I think she must be about 18 now, hard to say what her life span will be, she does have a bit of a health issue but she’s doing just fine otherwise.  She’s a hardy little rig, she much prefers to be standing outside no matter the weather even when she has a nice dry stall to go to.  It’s pretty common to find her, butt to the wind, in the middle of rain, wind or snow.  If you do close the back barn door, she is certainly unimpressed and doesn’t mind letting you know.

Lena has taken over ownership of Ebony and Hannah has her flock of sheep.  But, really, Ebony owns the sheep and loves them dearly, especially the ram we have here to breed the mommas so that there will be babies this spring.  We had to trim Shrek’s { the borrowed ram } feet and so we locked him the sheep pen and locked everyone else outside, and man, oh man, was Ebony worked up!!  She pranced around the paddock, tossing her head, coming up to the window and being very clear she wanted her Shrek let out!

Last spring, if she was not in the same field as the sheep, Ebony was very unsettled.  When we put the sheep out to pasture, they would stay there but all the rich grass is too much for Ebony, so we move her to the paddock behind the barn each night.  And she hates it.  She wants to be with her sheep and their babies. Horses and ponies tend to be social animals and will bond with other animals, even if they are from another species. And Ebony certainly has grown attached to her sheep!


I’m not sure if it’s the same at your house with nicknames, but our animals also have a few.  Ebony gets called ‘E’, Bebby, Bebs, Bebbertons.  And of course, EBONY!!! when she’s being sassy….not that a pony would ever be sassy….. { insert HUGE eye roll }  Can you tell she has a big personality for a little pony?

I love taking pictures of her, she’s got such wild and woolly hair!!  She grows a thick, heavy coat in the winter but her mane and forelock are crazy no matter the time of year.  It gives her such character.  I’m not sure how she sees and the black on black makes it hard to photograph her, but I try anyway.  She’s pretty cute.

Happy Gotcha Day, Bebbs, we love you tons and are so thankful to have you in our lives!!

Colourfully yours,




In Decorating

Colour – Turquoise

I’m not quite sure when my love affair with turquoise started, but it’s been going strong for years now.  Especially when paired with my other favourite colour, Red. So for this month’s deeper look into colour, we’re going to talk about Turquoise.

Turquoise seems to have had a time to shine.  I feel like there are lots of people out there who fell for turquoise.  But for some, it was just a passing phase and for me…not so much.  It is a colour that speaks to me and makes me happy, whether its a piece of turquoise jewelry or a happy accent in a home.  In this case, I’m lumping all the blue-green shades into this post – from aqua to teal and everything inbetween.


I love turquoise so much that I just bought a gallon of paint so that all our interior doors can be the prettiest shade of turquoise.  I’m also painting part of another on-going project with a little of the same colour, too.  I’m pretty excited! Also, my affection for turquoise makes an appearence in my logo – as much as I love red, I can’t envision my key in red, it had to be turquoise!

When turquoise is used in a home, it is considered a positive and uplifting colour that creates a calm and balanced environment.  It is commonly known as a beachy shade but it can also be very sophisciated, otherwise would Tiffany’s use this shade??

So where do I have turquoise in our house?  Well, the back of our china cabinet has foam core covered in turquoise wrapping paper.  I wanted to have a colour on the back but also didn’t want to paint it in case we wanted to change it at some point.  Our dining room rug has turquoise { and a bunch of other colours } in it.  Two of the many coffee tables that lived in our living room were turquoise, even if our current one is a barn door.  There’s turquoise accents throughout the kitchen, living room and dining room – from pillows to artwork to signs to parts of my antler weaving.

My top turquoise picks from the Benjamin Moore fan deck would currently be Tranquil Blue and Aegean Teal.  The Tranquil Blue is the colour I recently bought for the doors and it’s just a soft, but not too boring shade that will add the right pop.  And if I’m using Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint, I’m loving Kitchen Scale!

Are you turquoise lover?  Do you use it throughout your home?

Colourfully yours,



In Clear Day Farm/ Decorating/ Thrifting with Farm Fresh

Top o’ the Stairs To Ya!

Months ago I made some changes to the top of our stairs.  All because I wanted a full-length mirror somewhere. Our upper hallway is this awkward maze of doors and angles so there really wasn’t a good spot for it, except where the bookcase sat.  

You know how this story goes, right?  To move the bookcase meant I had to move the cabinet that was where I going to put the bookcase.  I shuffled some of the cabinet contents into either another space or the trash.  A million colouring books and dried up markers, my scrapbooks and a few other random craft supplies.  The space where that cabinet sat had strict requirements because of the folding attic steps that come down right there, so anything in that area couldn’t be deep. I had looked at various armoires with mirrored doors but they would be too deep or too wide to fit.  But the bookcase was definitely narrow enough.  The cabinet moved onto its next home, it owed us nothing, it did us well over the course of nearly a dozen or so years, I will miss the chalkboard doors though.



Old Bookcase location – note the angle on the top right of the picture – watch your head!!


New bookcase location!

So, move the cabinet out, swing the bookcase in and then rehang alllll my wooden shoes above the bookcase again.  I have a few.  I have a huge soft spot for old wooden shoes, especially those that have lost their mate.  A stray wooden shoe is almost guaranteed to come home with me if I spot it out in the wild.


That left us was a wide open space at the top of the stairs.  It felt huge.  I tried the handsome Mr. Byrne’s telephone bench there but it felt too big for going down the right hallway to the bathroom and the little back bedroom where Lena has taken up residence.  Back down to the kitchen it went….I would’ve rathered it went to the studio for a makeover but… still hasn’t changed…haven’t quite convinced him it would look fabulous brought into this century.

I drug out my wicker basket from the closet and tucked it there, just so my closet had more space and that corner didn’t look so empty.  Then I started keeping an eye out for a full length mirror.  I found a few in regular stores but never was 100% sold.  Then I saw one in Value Village but couldn’t buy it because I had a carload of kids.  And of course, when I went back it was gone!!  So, the search continued.

Finally!! Finally!!  Michael spotted one in the back corner of Value Village.  It was wooden, in great shape and had a perfect retro vibe to it.  And, the best part? $18.00!!  The other one I wanted was way more, like $65 or something crazytown.  Plus, I had a 20% off coupon!!  Score!!  I probably would’ve left a kid there to ensure I got this mirror, thankfully there was room in the car for everyone AND the mirror.

I was excited to take it home and get it hung up.  No, it might not be a proper full-length mirror but I can pretty much see all of me in it so that works!  I added an old kilim rug I had tucked out underneath and a cool stool with hairpin legs that was a curbside find.  I still think it needs a plant, but I think every area in our house needs at least one, if not 5.  But it’s a pretty lowlight area so I’m not sure what would survive there.

It is fun to shuffle things around, move out a big cabinet that clearly was no longer needed and create a space so we could have a big mirror somewhere in this house.  This is all part of my urge to purge, to simplify what we have on hand and make sure everything is functioning up to par.  In fact, the wicker basket I mentioned? Well, it has since gone back to being a toy box and all the stuff I was storing in it got sorted through, some passed on to Value Village and the rest tucked away in a manner that makes more sense.  And by Hannah getting the wicker basket as a toy box, meant her larger, old wooden one also got gifted to someone who has put it to good use already.  It frees up floor space in Hannah’s room, plus it doesn’t hold as many toys so we sorted through those and dropped off a bag to…you guessed it, Value Village!

I’ll get all my projects tackled sometime! I can’t imagine not having something to work on in my spare time…

Colourfully yours,






In Thrifting with Farm Fresh

Thrifting with Farm Fresh – Our Finds

I sure do enjoying hitting up the thrift stores and having a little poke around.  I’m not one to look for clothes, I find that rather frustrating but I love shopping the home decor items.  My kids love looking through the clothes and usually find something to round out their wardrobe.

I had shared already some of the finds that Hannah and I gathered for our #thriftingwithfarmfresh challenge in THIS POST.  But I didn’t share a picture of Hannah’s new outfit for their big Valentine’s Day Dinner { which you can read HERE }  She had found a dress on a previous trip to Value Village but when she saw this one, she knew she wanted to upgrade!

It’s so perfectly Valentine’s Day, isn’t it? I love that it has those little built in shorty shorts since it’s rather transparent…I think it must be for gymnastics or ballet?  She still has $5 left to spend of her $20 but it didn’t work out for her to join me on my recent thrifting trips to see what she could score.

I had $9 left to spend.  And I could’ve spent it a bunch of different ways.   And I’ve been poking around the thrift stores frequently shopping for set stuff for Marion Bridge so I’ve seen lots of great things and kicked myself for not buying a few things when I saw them. It’s like shopping at Winners, you best grab it when you see it, because it won’t be there next time!  It’s kinda like buyer’s remorse but the reverse…

What I did find was a nice milk glass pot/vase/whatever but when I found it, it was filled with hideous faux flowers.  I wish I had snapped a picture!  But it is just the right size for my new Pilea plant!!  It makes me happy, I love plants in milk glass.  Cost was $3 but the Pilea was a Sobey’s find – I’m always on the hunt for new plants and was happy to find this guy.  Hannah named him Archie. 🙂

And I spent my last $6 on this painting:

I usually do a quick once over of the picture shelves at Value Village, never really buying anything from that section.  But this painting, with its chunky texture and red and turquoise spoke to me and so it came home with me.  My first plan was to paint the frame, I wasn’t in love with the wood but now I think it’ll stay.

Those are the rest of the purchases for the #thriftingwithfarmfresh challenge.  I sure enjoyed hearing from all of you about your thrifting adventures, many thanks to those of you that took part – I think we’ll do another round once yard sale season starts!  Time to start tucking the quarters, toonies & loonies away!!

Colourfully yours,


The other #thriftingwithfarmfresh posts are HERE and HERE

4 In Blogging/ Life

Knowing My Why

‘Knowing My Why’ makes a better title than ‘I Have No Idea What My Why Is’, right? Ugh.  

Know your why is such a catch phrase these days.  Know Your Why – build your audience.  Know Your Why – make more money.  Know Your Why – blah blah blah.  Farm Fresh Style – why??? Insert me doing a shoulder shrug with both hands thrown up!

I’ve had this conversation with a friend as we went back and forth, trying to figure out what direction she should go.  Knowing your why came up.  And we had a real conversation and I concluded I no longer know my why. Why do I continue to write posts here?  Why am I setting goals for 2019 for Farm Fresh?  Why am I striving to grow my following?  What do I have to gain from it all?

I can’t even say I lost sight of my why over the years.  It’s that it all has changed since the beginning.  I started this blog way back in 2012 because I felt a shift in my former place of employment.  I pretty much knew I was getting out, even though it would be close to 2 years before it actually happened.  I started a blog to create a platform for people to find me in the future.  And it worked.  But now? Well, I just don’t know anymore.  Sure, I get some design work through here, but it’s all done through Costandi’s now.  Technically, I don’t have to do this now.

But I can’t stop.  How could I just leave this blog behind?  I have made so many friendship, shared so many stories and worked so hard on building this from the ground up.  I can’t walk away from that.  Is that my why?

I hated english class in school.  I didn’t love writing.  But now? Well, I love it.  When I’m on a roll, I can crank it out.  My brain speeds along faster than my fingers can keep up.  I can’t imagine life without writing now.  Whether I’m telling you about a recent adventure or painting a picture for you, I’m loving the written word as an adult, far more than I ever did as a kid. I find myself scripting posts as I cruise along the back roads. Words have magic.  The order in which you arrange them releases their power.  Is my love of writing my why?

Blogging has provided me with opportunities that I wouldn’t have otherwise.  Experiences, relationships, income and product.  Those things matter, too.  I know there are others out there who, after blogging for this long without making ‘millions’ would’ve given up.  But I never set out for THIS to be the source of income, just as a landing spot for clients to find me.  But all that other stuff is sure a great bonus to it.  But is that my why?

I don’t journal.  I haven’t done up a scrapbook page in years and years now.  But As I scroll back through the posts, I have seen my children grow up in front of me.  It’s documented.  I’ve catalogued it.  Saved it for down the road.  I love taking a walk down memory lane, pictures paired with my version of the story.  Is that my why?

I still have no idea.  But I will continue.  I can’t see any reason to stop.  Nor do I have any desire to.

So here I stay.

Colourfully yours,
