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2 In Country Life/ Meet Someone New

Hairy Neighbours

Highland Beef Cows

Just down the road a few kilometres, there is a farm.  On this farm, there are Highland Beef Cows and they are my favourite.  They are just so hairy and photogenic that I can’t resist them!  Normally, they aren’t out by the road, where we can see them, but a couple of times a year they are moved into this pasture right alongside the road and it makes me quite joyful.

When I drove by and saw the herd in this field, I quickly stopped and snapped a few pictures on my phone so I would at least have one picture.  But then time allowed me an extra window of about 20 minutes one day and so I grabbed my camera and headed down the road.

I talked about the farm HERE, way back when they won Woodlot Owners of the Year and we spend a big chuck of our day there. Umm, look how little the girls were?!?!?!?

Now, I want to say that I used a lens that allowed me to stay on my side of the fence, with a ditch between us.  I don’t know these cows and these cows don’t know me and when there are babies, some mommas get fiercely protective and I wasn’t about to cross any lines with this cows…..they have horns….and having grown up on a dairy farm, I knew better.

Anyway, let’s move on to how adorable they are, shall we?

Highland Beef Cows

Highland Beef Cows

Highland Beef Cows

Highland Beef Cows

Highland Beef Cows

And my favourite one…

Highland Beef Cows

They are just so shaggy.  I’m not sure how they navigate life…they need their bangs trimmed!  I’ll just be over here trying to convince the handsome Mr. Byrne that I need one or two or five…..

Colourfully yours,




1 In Make Something

Easter Egg Candles

There isn’t much I enjoy more that getting creative with a good friend.  So when Christine messaged me to ask if I had any egg cups, I was intrigued!!  Easter Egg Candles?? Candles in eggs? Sure, I’d be game for that, why not!

This isn’t going to be a how to or anything like that.  I didn’t take step by step pictures.  In between steps, I snuggled Izzy, read a story and ate the most delicious lemon curd.  So, basically, it was empty eggs, melt wax, pour it in, stick a wick in and let it set.  There, that’s out of the way. If Christine posts a How-To, I’ll be sure to share it with you all!

Christine has always been someone who I love to be around because she, probably without even realizing it, inspires me to do things in a different way to better myself.  My photography skills I have learned from her, I can also pinpoint the exact time when she changed the path of my career and pushed me to realize there was more out there for me, to believe I deserved it and was capable of it.

Anyway, back to egg cups…I was thinking she was looking for them for a brunch she was hosting over the easter Weekend when she first asked.  But nope, she wanted to make egg candles and egg cups are the perfect way to display them.  Now, Dave and Christine have a flock of chickens of various sizes and colours that produce the prettiest coloured eggs.  They are perfect for Easter!  And even better for Easter Egg Candles!

Aren’t they pretty?  It was fun to set up a few different little settings of the eggs – but sometimes the background was cuter…. Simon was rather interested in what I was up to!

When I realized I was heading over to Christine for an egg craft, I knew I needed to dig out the crocheted egg hats Alena had made me years ago!  They’re just so cute to be left tucked away!

We lingered over hot mugs, chatted and snacked.  The kids played together and kept themselves and each other quite entertained.  I love seeing how my girls interact with Simon and Izzy, they are all so sweet together!  It makes my heart happy when I’m holding Izzy and she holds her arms out to Lena!  They have the sweetest relationship!  And Hannah and Simon just play and play and play!

After a lovely time spent together with the feel of a lazy Saturday morning, we headed home and left Dave and Christine to prepare for their Easter company.  We carefully transported the candles home and proudly showed them off to the handsome Mr. Byrne.  I knew I wanted to do a unique display with them but that meant it was time to go to the studio and dig into my stash and create something just right!

I had some barrel staves leftover { Remember when I made candle holders out of them for Christmas?  You can see them HERE } and knew that they would be perfect to hold my Easter Egg Candles!  Some drilling, some sanding and I was good to go!  Don’t they look great? I’m thrilled with how sweet they turned out! It reminds me of the old school egg holders in the old country kitchens!

These are simple to make and so pretty to display!  I’m thrilled Christine included me in this fun craft!  I hope we get to do more in the future!

Colourfully yours,



In Faith

Good Friday Reflections

Good Friday is such a significant part of the story of my faith.   It isn’t fun or lighthearted, it is heavy and dark and real.  Without the events of Good Friday, there would be no Easter morning.

I attended the Tenebrea service at our church last night.  And I’ll be honest, I probably wouldn’t have gone, except that Pastor asked me to read.  And when he asked and was explaining it to me, I knew it was going to be powerful…I wasn’t wrong.  But that’s exactly what my heart needed, too.

As I listened to the various scriptures about Jesus being the light of the world and watched each reader light their candle, I thought a lot about God’s grace.

There are things we are always telling ourselves – I’m not enough.  I am not worthy.  But I want to tell you today that because of God’s grace, you are enough.  You are worthy.  Without that grace, it would be a continual struggle uphill.  But with that grace, life changes.  It won’t be perfect, there will still be struggles and failures, but God will pick us up, dust us off, squeeze us tight and set us upright on our feet.  Every time.  Every single time.

I remember sitting on a plastic chair around a wooden table in the church basement, Dad as my Sunday school teacher.  He was teaching us about grace, and it never fails to amaze me that I retained what he taught.  Everyone loves a good acronym, right? Well, the acronym Dad taught us was what grace stands for – God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.   I’ve never forgotten that.  And oddly enough, all these years later, I finally get what those last letter truly mean.  All along I pictured Jesus doling out what we needed – patience, some extra cash, maybe a new pair of shoes, forgiveness, whatever we needed at the time…but, no, I finally got it.  Christ’s expense – well, that was His death.  He gave all.  For us.  For all people over all times. Only took me roughly 30 years to truly figure it out.

But here’s the thing, He would do it just for the ‘good church-goers’.  The devote Christians.  He would’ve done it just for those that meet at the corner of Duke and Main.  He would’ve done it just for me.  He would’ve died on that cross solely to give me that life eternal.  He would’ve done it just for you.  Did you know that?  God would sacrifice His only Son just for you.  He did it for you.  Do you know that? Do you believe that this day?  I sure do!

I’m so thankful for that grace.  I am not worthy.  I am not enough just on my own.  But, through that amazing grace, I am enough and I am made worthy.


As last night’s Tenebrea service progressed, each reader read some of Jesus’ last words before his death.  The candles we lit during the first part of the service were snuffed out.  One by one. Until one last lonely flame burned brightly.  Then, the final words, ‘It is finished’ and the flame snuffed out.  Darkness.  We were left sitting in this dark part of the Easter story.  Sitting with the weight of what our sin, our mistakes cost.

I’m not one to ruin surprises…well, actually I suck at keeping surprises….but the story gets a little crazy and things change dramatically over the course of the next few days….stay tuned.

But today, this Good Friday, I am thankful for that brutal sacrifice so that I am not required to pay the debt of my sin.  I’m thankful for that grace.  And I’m thankful that I know how the story ends.

Reflectively yours,


In Adventures/ Blogging

Foodie Friends

Recently I was invited to attend an event at Kitchen Door Catering Co. event in their beautiful new Dartmouth location earlier the same day I was planning on visiting some friends in the city, anyway.  It was a no-brainer that I was going to make that happen!  

I’ve watched some of the live events that Kitchen Door does on Facebook, so I knew we’d be in for a good time.  Laughter and tasty food seem to be the trend, and I wasn’t disappointed!  From the moment we walked in, until the last of us actually left, we were spoiled and shown incredible hospitality!  Patty was a wonderful hostess, showing us all the wonderful things they have to offer.

I want to talk about the main area.  I was so impressed by the character and warmth they brought into what could be a cold expansive space.  Chippy cabinets, a gorgeous plate wall, inviting couches and chairs and spool tables with loads of personality – you know they are speaking my language!  I can just see this space bustling with customers grabbing lunch and some frozen goodies for supper, too.  Or a catered event happening in the evening, as people mingle and chat, while eating the most delicious finger foods.

They gave us a tour of the entire space.  From the bathrooms with the witty signs, to the huge walk-in freezers and fridges. From the magic coffee maker to the cooking classroom, all the way to the beautiful dining area over looking Dartmouth. You could tell that every detail was well planned, with thought for down the road, too, leaving options for expansion later.

After our tour, we all settled around the long dining tables.  We were served wine, infused water, delicious sandwiches and salads, with Chef Andrew telling us about each dish.  When a room full of bloggers sit down to a lunch that is as beautiful as it is tasty, you know full well that we’re going to be snapping pictures and arranging vignettes to share with our audience.  And this was no exception! I think we all took a bunch of pictures before we settled into the tasty meal in front of us.  There is always chatter and laughter when we all get together.  We may not see each other in person as often as we like, but we do connect online regularly.  So when we do get together, we really just pick up where we left off.

After we cleaned up the sandwiches and salad, they brought out dessert.  Now, lunch was delicious and beautiful, but dessert was a show stopper.  Meringue topped with fresh fruit, lemon cookies that were the freshest cookie I had ever eaten and mini egg brownies!  Yum! Not only was it a treat for the taste buds, it was so pleasing to the eye, too.  Almost too pretty to eat….almost 😉  I’ve admitted my sweet tooth before…

We lingered over the meal, catching up and chatting about life.  Some people had to go to get kids off the bus or head off to meetings.  But the rest of us didn’t want to leave.  Even though the Kitchen Door crew had a bag filled with goodies for us when we left, it wasn’t enough to actual make us leave!  Photo shoots happened, more laughter, selfies – the typical blogger-style lingering.

Colleen is always game for the ridiculous suggestions I make…

Even though I am not in the city and can’t tap into all that Kitchen Door has to offer regularly, I look forward to popping by when I am in the city.  And I encourage all my local peeps to do the same!  If you’re down there running errands for the day, be sure to grab lunch and pick something up for supper so you can still provide your family with a flavourful supper without the hassle of making it yourself.  Or, grab a bunch of girlfriends, register for a cooking class and make getaway out of it!  I can’t wait to go to a cooking class there – cooking isn’t something I’d say I’m great at, I can throw a meal together but there is tons of room for improvement!

I highly recommend you give Kitchen Door a follow/like over on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and join the fun.  Here’s an example of what you’ll be in store for:


Events like this are always so much fun.  You can check out a few other such events I attended HERE, HERE and HERE.  Patty and the Kitchen Door crew made us feel welcomed and spoiled us, so huge thank you to all of them for the 5-star treatment!  And the goodie bag? Well, I ate well the next day – chicken pot pie, wonton chips, tasty chocolate squares and carmel corn – which I did even share, if you can imagine!!

Colourfully yours,


PS I was provided this experience by Kitchen Door Catering Co. but my take on it was just that 😉

In Country Life

Maple Season

It is Maple Season here in Nova Scotia.  And let me tell you, it is deeeelisious!!!  I love maple syrup on just about anything you can put syrup on. And then some, if I’m speaking honestly!!  I’m addicted to sweet, not going to lie!

One of my favourite places to enjoy Maple Season is at Sugar Moon Farm in Earltown.  It is the best pancake house around.  The atmosphere there is amazing and the food is even better.  Long trestle tables with benches on either side fill the log restaurant, with a big stone fireplace in the middle to warm you up.  The menu is filled with maple goodies, I highly recommend the Sugar Moon Breakfast with Sugar Moon Coffee, with maple sugar over it all!  And the best part, while you wait for your meal, they serve the tastiest biscuits with sugar cream – yummy!!!

In Dad’s retirement, he has taken to tapping some of the maple trees on their new land.  And we reap the benefits!!  Sweet syrup on homemade pancakes with a side of bacon.  Hannah loves going after school with Dad to collect the sap and lug it down to the garage, where Dad will boil it down into the tasty syrup.  Hannah was quite surprised to taste the sap when Opa offered her some, it didn’t taste sweet at all, much to her sugar-loving little self!

There’s just something about climbing up the hill, and into the woods.  There’s something so real in collecting the sap.  It’s the promise of spring, it’s the knowledge that we have been provided for in such a simple way.  That the life-blood of the trees can be such a gift to us, such a sweet gift to us!

I hope you get the chance this spring to pour some maple syrup over a hot, steaming stack of pancakes.  Or even better, visit your local sugar shack and breathe in the steam of the sap thickening down into the tasty liquid gold we call Maple Syrup.

Colourfully yours,
