Wanna know what? I’ve learned something about myself., though. I always knew that I was the kind of girl that if I started a book, I would finish it. I don’t tend to quit part way or give up on it. But, what I have learned, is that if I start a blog post and it’s a hard one to write, I won’t just skip over it….I’ll just avoid it. I started a blog post a while back and it’s a tough one. And I have mixed emtions about sharing it. So, I didn’t write anymore posts, nor did I publish that one. So, I was stuck in blogger limbo. No new posts, no nothing!
I attended Blogjam 2016 on the weekend. It was fabulous to be surrounded by hard-working people who excel at blogging. Motivating, inspiring, intimadating, too. But, it was the push I needed. I need to write here, not just to entertain you, but because this is my chance to document our lives and share my thoughts. This blog is a chance for me to express myself.
So, I will edit that hard post and I will publish it. And I will hope and pray that it touches the lives of those who find themselves over here at Farm Fresh. And then, I’ll write again.
To be continued,