I just briefly want to share the pictures from this year because it’s just so fun! And honestly, I’m not sure how many more years we’ll have, Lena was a little on the fence this year so I’ll take it as long as I can get it.
Hannah has known for months what she wanted to be – a shepherd. Fitting, eh? Complete with her Opa’s actual shepherd’s crook, no imitation crooks here, folks. I’m sure there’s probably poop on it somewhere it’s so much of the real deal. She also carried an old metal shopping basket filled with sheep stuffies and wore clothes she wears all the time, those overalls are always in the wash!
Lena started out talking about being an English Rider, especially since she’s been doing a little english riding during lessons lately. But somewhere along the way, she decided against that and borrowed a deer headband from a friend instead. We did her makeup and hit the road, nothing more than that. This indicates to me a kid that is transitioning out of Halloween, no?
One of our stops was Mom and Dad’s. I’ll start with Dad’s costume….the girls decided he needed to be The BFG. All he had to do was wear a vest, that he commonly wears, over his shirt. Easy peasy and about as much effort as he’s willing to put into this foolishness, but anything for the grandkids, right? I think he just wants to eat his supper…
Mom, on the other hand, has way too much fun with this and thinks long and hard about her costume. Let’s remember one year she was an iPad. This year – a nod to Geocaching! She’s a Bison tube. Hilarious. And fitting given her enjoyment of geocaching. Not everyone will appreciate this, unless you’ve searched this earth for a tiny tube hanging in a tree alongside a road somewhere.
And one last picture of the girls showing off their freshly carved pumpkins because they’re so darn cute!!
Hope you all had a great { and safe } night getting candy!!
To be continued,