So, grab a cup of tea, settle in and let’s reflect on all the awesomeness that was 2014 over here at Farm Fresh.
Highlight #10
Everyone seems to enjoy a good Thrift Challenge!! I threw this out there and I was so happy with the results!! You guys found some great treasures and introduced me to places I hadn’t even heard of!! I plan on doing a post about the awesome places we have around here to find this kind of wicked scores in the near future so the long gap between yard sale seasons doesn’t seem as endless.
Highlight #9
I’m am thankful to have such amazing people in my life that I get to call my friends. And if we can throw a surprise party for the one and only Christine to kick off the wedding celebrations, all the better!!!
Highlight #8
I try to be a positive person and be thankful for the gifts in my life. I truly enjoy Thanksgiving Day when we set aside the day to really focus on what we have – not just things but the people who make our lives richer. My cup overflowth.
Highlight #7
My chickens. Oh, how I love having chickens again. And when they started to lay eggs – the excitement!!! There are numerous posts over the past year about my darling buzzards, you can see pictures here, here and here. They add so much to our lovely little farm.
Highlight #6
Years ago my sister and I would take annual camping trips together. Fast forward a lot of years and four kids later, and things take place in a s lightly different manner. Our first (but not our last!!) trip to the near by Pictou Island was EPIC!!! I’m looking forward to doing it again this summer – maybe longer, somehow – camping??
Highlight #5
We celebrate my Dad’s health and are thankful to have him still with us. But it was hard to write about why we do. Hug your loved ones and be thankful for each day you get to spend together. Life is precious. Don’t take it for granted.

Photo Credit to Christine Hachey of Wonkyeye Photography for this awesome picture of Dad
Highlight #4
A huge change for me personally this past year was when I made the leap and left my job at a local decorating shop. It’s been fun, interesting and challenging and I don’t regret it one little bit. Running my own business, being home so much more with my girls and taking different opportunities that have come my way has been worth it.
Highlight #3
With making the leap into owning my own business, I needed a better blog platform and thus we are visiting here together at and not my old blog platform over at Blogspot. This was an exciting change and one that took hours {Thanks, Christine!!! } and I love it over here!!! I hope you like it here, too!
Highlight #2
The family reunion that was held here this summer was….so amazing. I miss my cousins and their families in a way I never did before. The bonds that were established over the weekend are special and I’m so thankful for the opportunity to get to know my family better. I was especially thankful for the extra day I got to spend with my cousin, Calvin and Erin, and their girls, exploring the East Coast.
Highlight #1
Of course, the biggest highlight of the year was buying the house next door and moving over here to Clear Day Farm. We have come home. We painted, scrubbed, shuffled things around and settled into our new home. The bonus, for me, was the studio space that I now run Farm Fresh out of. And the barn, and the orchard, and the big yard, and the garden, and and and ALL the wonderful things over here, on the other side of the road. I’m thankful that this move was possible without uprooting the girls from their school and preschool and staying close to our families.
2014 was a big year for me. Lots of change, lots of exciting things happening. I knew it was the year of change and I prepared for it the best I could. 2015 will be about settling into new routines and bringing my business further.
I wouldn’t have been able to make these changes without the continued support of the handsome Mr. Byrne, my sweet girlies and my family. Thank you for believing in what I’m doing!! And a huge shout out to you, my readers, for your support and for continuely dropping over to see what’s going on over here. Thank you!!
I can hardly wait to see what 2015 will bring!! {It’ll start by ringing in the New Year with the newly weds while the girls have a sleepover with grandparents!! Wahoo for that!! }
Happy New Year!!!
Karen Welton
December 31, 2014 at 3:37 pmLove your blog Lori! I love reading them when I get the chance, you have such a great way with words. And love your new blog platform too!