I have been selling blinds for nearly 20 years now. It’s all part of my job to help my clients find window coverings { or furniture or flooring or whatever } that suit their needs and home. And I have to admit, after selling thousands of blinds, I never knew just how much I would enjoy having blinds on our living room windows.
For us, privacy isn’t an issue, we live in rural Nova Scotia and our road isn’t very busy. Even the north and eastern exposure doesn’t cause too much trouble, except on the rare day when the sun shines in on the right angle and hits the TV. So, really we don’t need blinds. We have curtains on the windows but they are very rarely closed.
Part of the thing about selling blinds is knowing what products are out there and of course, I like the ones that are a little on the expensive side. But when a special sale for Hunter Douglas dealers cames up and your boss makes you an offer you can’t refuse, you go all in.
And that’s how we ended up with two PowerView Silhouettes in our living room. And guys, I can’t imagine life without them now.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Hunter Douglas’ Silhouette line, it is a shade that has two layers of sheer front and back, with a fabric vane in between the sheer layers. This means it will filter and diffuse the light coming in the room when the blinds are open but when they are closed over, they offer privacy. And they also provide a nice layer of insulation, too. They also can roll completely up into the headrail when you want the wide open view to the outside. So they are a very functional product, but they are also oh so pretty. The fabric we selected has a nice natural texture to it so it doesn’t feel too formal.
Then with the remote function, it means you can easily open, close or louvre the shades from the couch. No stretching over the furniture to access a cord to raise or lower them, just the simple push of a button. I’ll be honest, I never really saw the need for the average room to have remote blinds. Unless you had very obvious windows that were out of reach. But, let me tell you, the PowerView is awesome. When we had our tree up in front of the window, the remote was perfect. Really, we use it nearly every day now.
Here’s a reminder of what our living room looked like when we moved in…
And now….with blinds opened and closed….
It’s so cozy at night. Or if the girls are watching TV, then they love to have the shades closed so that it’s darker and all snug. I always loved our living room, it felt inviting but I really do think it has now come up a level. And I should know this, right? Lol, and yet, here I am gushing about the difference it made.
Even though this isn’t a sponsored post, I do want to give Karl, my boss, a shout out for offering this special to us. { and for being an amazing boss in general! } I didn’t know I needed these blinds but now that I have them….
If you want to chat blinds with me, let me know. I love geeking out over the products and possibilities that Hunter Douglas offers for solving UV, privacy or light control issues. Or if you have a design project you are thinking about doing or are in the midst of and need expert advice, I know we can find a way to help. You can find me at Costandi Designs on Facebook and Instagram.
I’m off to play with the new blinds 😉
Colourfully yours,
Sarah Birch
January 15, 2019 at 8:07 pmI didn’t know you sold blinds! I actually had a quote done on remote control blinds for the upper level of our home….but as you know, our home is large and has lots of windows, so after the $7,700 quote, I kept the old blinds 😂
January 15, 2019 at 8:17 pmBlinds are probably one of my favourite parts of my job, never did I think I’d enjoy selling Hunter Douglas as much as I do!