This blogging journey has highs and lows, weeks of plentiful posts and weeks of silence. When I started, I blogged almost daily and now, well, I’m lucky if I blog once a week. I often wonder how much social media plays a part of that…whether I spend too much time on it { I’m sure that can’t be it!! } or if I just will share a quick picture of something fun or new or made-over instead of writing a post about it.
Thankfully, I’d say about 99.9% of my experience of blogging has been positive. There hasn’t been anything awful happen or any trolls giving me a hard time. And probably most of the issues I’ve had have been my own fault and more technical than anything.
I think the thing that I enjoy the most is being able to connect with so many people through blogging, whether its because I blog or because I follow their blog and/or follow them on social media. The blogging conference I attended last year was awesome, too, because I got to meet people in real life and make new friends. Plus, I learned a lot, gained confidence in my self as a blogger and the influence I have.
For me, personally, blogging isn’t about the numbers. The people I write to, the people I read, the people I’ve gotten to meet in real life because of this tiny space in the internet – that’s what it’s about. Yes, bigger numbers help, but they aren’t everything. More readers and larger numbers would open more doors, true, but I’m not really sure what doors I want to go through. I love promoting local businesses that I really support in my day-today life, I love sharing my corner of the world, I feel like Nova Scotia has so much to offer, and I love documenting our lives, as the girls grow, as we do neat things and go cool places. It’s fun to look back over the years and see what we did and how little the girls were when we did it. I especially love sharing with you the projects I’ve done out in my studio. Or room makeovers! Or house tours!!
I feel fortunate to have gotten to make some connections with companies, I realize that’s part of blogging, too….a part I never thought too much about back when I started. But, as things grow and change, I see opportunity there, too. Where that will go, I have no idea yet…..we’ll see opportunities arise.
I want to say a huge Thank You, to you, my faithful readers. You have stuck with me on this journey and I truly thank you for it. You are the reason I keep at this. You are the reason I look at life differently. I appreciate you and the time you give to me by reading what I write.
To be continued,
PS – I still haven’t come up with a better closing, so 4 years later, I’m still using ‘To be continued….’