The end of my latest stretch of #100HappyDaysofLori is in sight! I loved sharing the things around me that make me happy and bring a smile to my face. I certainly hope that you enjoyed following along, too. And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, pop over HERE to find out what I’m referring to.
I did miss some days in there, but I think for the most part I did pretty well with posting daily. I found the weekends hard – which strikes me as strange, that’s when we do the most fun things and maybe that’s why, I was too busy ‘living’ to actually post something!
So, now that I’m almost at the end of #100HappyDaysofLori, the question is – where do I go from here? I COULD just carry on posting Happy Day posts or just go back to regular life and post at random. But, I was very inspired recently by a podcast I heard and it made me wonder if I should do a series showcasing how gorgeous Nova Scotia is. But then again, I wonder if my followers are here for that kind of content or are they here because of my design style and DIY’s….but then again, come on – how pretty is this place??
You guys know I love a good podcast. Recently Live Life in Tents launched a podcast so I gave the first one a listen on my drive home. AND IT WAS FABULOUS. It was a conversation between Lee, the co-founder of Live Life in Tents, and Sawyer of Country Liberty and I found it so encouraging and inspiring and it made me want to do a better job of sharing this gorgeous part of Canada with my followers. So much so, that I’m considering my next series to be based on showcasing the beauty I see around me – wild plants, landscapes, oceans, old farmsteads like the one shown above, the things I cross paths with that I think the world needs to see, too.
But then I’m torn! I love my province but you know what else I love? My house and the treasures I fill it with. And I know you guys do, too! Obviously I love to share that type of thing over here on the blog and on Instagram, too. And that is what I love to do – create settings in my home that are inviting and cozy and tell the stories of who we are. And share pieces that I’ve thrifted and redone and brought into our home. And another podcast I listened to today swayed me towards sharing our home….
So here lays the question – what do you want to see? I started a poll on Instagram to see what my followers there have to say. And I’ve had a few people make the same valid point – this is summer and we’re going to be moving into Fall within the next 100 Days….now is the time to explore and show off the beauty here and then I can cozy up in our home for the next 100….because, well, winter….
#100ProvincialScenes #100DaysofNovaScotia #100PicturesofHOME I’m still trying to decide!!! On a hashtag to use, what direction to go….help a girl out, would ya??
Home or Nova Scotia?
To be continued,
PS Photos in this post are a few that I’ve shared during the past 100 Days that have been well-loved!
mary chaisson
August 8, 2018 at 10:51 pmprovince then home…but another good one would be positive things you see when you are out and about…we always hear about the bad but never enough about the good that people do or that we see going on right here in our own back yard so to speak…and you could combine the province and the positive since you would be out and about anyway LOL