A few years ago, my friend Vonda put the challenge out to join her in focusing on the Happy for 100 days. Focusing on the Happy makes me stop, take notice of the little things in my life that make me smile and bring some joy to my heart. And I think we could all use a little more Happy in our lives, am I right? Yeah, I thought so.
This whole idea of focusing on Happy is legit. There’s a website, which you can find HERE and a course AND a book! And can I just say how fun is this website?? You had me at yellow because #allthecoloursplease
I scrolled back through my hashtag #100happydaysoflori and it’s so fun to take a walk down memory lane! If you want to read my post from a few years ago, you can see it HERE. Here’s a few of my favourites:
Lena and Maryn spinning in Jeannie’s front yard!! Dizzy much?
Lilacs ushering in Spring with their lovely nostalgic scent
Queen Hannah following Lena and the flock of chickens across the yard
Our bright, sunny kitchen in our last home
So, starting on May 1st, I’m having another go at posting things that bring me happiness over on my Instagram account, using the hashtag #100happydaysoflori I will probably cross-post over on my Finding Joy FB page, too – you can join up by clicking HERE if you are more of a FB person than Instagram. I’d love for you to follow along or even better, take the challenge with me! If you decide to take the challenge, too, let me know so I can be sure to see your daily posts!
I know that there will be days that finding something to post about might be a struggle. And that’s ok. Life throws things our way that sucks the joy from our souls but surely we can find one thing, one happy thing, to focus on and let it guide us to a happier place. Sometimes, when the girls are complaining about this or that, I make them tell me one good thing about it. Switching our focus, looking for the good, the happy, the joy can truly impact our lives, our outlook on life and hopefully make us better people.
Here we go – 100 days of Happy – can I do it?
To be continued,
PS Know what makes me Happy right now? This new look to my blog – it’s fresh and bright and yep, you guessed it – Happy!!